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Can you say...Guacamole

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Aug 14, 2007
I got this recipe from an old GF- Conchita Maria Teresa San Semilla de la Hortensia- sweet girl I met in Guatalajara, Mexico. Try it out if you go diving the next day, in a wetsuit, be sure to take extra weight

Conchita Maria Teresa San Semilla de la Hortensia's Guacamole

A couple of fresh firm avacado's not overly ripe-chopped (save the skin)
A couple of fresh firm tomatoes-chopped
Fresh culantro-chopped
a few green onions-chopped
approx. 2 tbs Sour cream
1/2-1tsp Crushed cumin seeds
a couple Costenos chilies (mild) or 1 Jalapeno (hot) or both-minced
1C-1 1/2 C parmesan cheese
salt to taste

Mix the avacados & tomatoes
add culantro & green onions, mix
add sour cream, cumin, peppers, parmesan mix

It should be creamy with some avacado chunks and tomatoes, serve it in the avacado "bowl"



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Reactions: podge
ok there is no way you can dive that day rofl rofl thats like using scuba rofl
Reactions: settingsteel
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