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Carbon fins covering with paint protection film?

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Nov 2, 2021
I am thinking about covering my new C4 Carbon Fins with foil, a car paint protection film, as it is used at the doors, trunks etc.
A thin (0,15mm) clear film, nearly invisibel to prevent scratches. Maybe just the tips or the bottom side or top and bottom side.
Has anyone experiences with foiling carbon fins? Will it change the reacting characteristic?
Unless the fins are really soft or you expect a lot of response out of them I doubt you would notice a difference. You would likely notice the increased weight more than reduced springback. I like using retroreflective tape on the ends of my fins for added protection, but of course I only use them in lakes where there is no concern about them being overly flashy.
I am thinking about covering my new C4 Carbon Fins with foil, a car paint protection film, as it is used at the doors, trunks etc.
A thin (0,15mm) clear film, nearly invisibel to prevent scratches. Maybe just the tips or the bottom side or top and bottom side.
Has anyone experiences with foiling carbon fins? Will it change the reacting characteristic?
some manufacturers (eg: Leaderfins) also offer to attach protective foil to top and/or bottom of the carbon fins. I got one pair with only bottom and a second pair with top+bottom foil. there is no noticeable difference. both a medium stiffness.
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some manufacturers (eg: Leaderfins) also offer to attach protective foil to top and/or bottom of the carbon fins. I got one pair with only bottom and a second pair with top+bottom foil. there is no noticeable difference. both a medium stiffness.
Did the coating prevent scratching? do you notice a difference between the coated and uncoated top sides?
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