Picasso Carbon fibre fins
Hi everyone,
I own a pair of Picasso carbon fibre fins (Carbono's III) and have found them to be pretty good.
I have been using Esclapez green fins for a while, and also had some old picasso black line's before buying the carbon fibres.
They are similar in stiffness to the black line's and unless you have really strong leg muscles I don't know if I would reccomend them for an 8 hour day of spearfishing.(I find my ankles give in before my legs do)
I still tend to use the Esclapez fins if I'm diving for more then an hour or two.
The footpockets on the Carbono's are great, no give like the Esclapez's yet still comfortable. The blade itself is also heaps lighter then plastic. They are great for deep(ish) diving, I've used them down to 35m. They don't seem too fragile, I've had them in a boat with people stepping on them, and had scuba gear placed on top, (Not happy !) but they were fine.
They have rubber edges on the sides of the fins, except there is nothing on the end of the fin.
I use them in a swimming pool for training and found the end of the fin can get scratched so I just put on some electrical tape which I have to replace every couple of weeks.
It's a bit hard to judge how much more efficient they are then plastic fins, it will vary with invidual leg strength and technique. I've read some other fin reviews saying something like %10, and from my experience I don't think they would be much more then that. There are more advantages then just pure efficiency.
They certainly have a very different feel to plastic. I find this is more noticable when dolphin kicking, the fins are very springy and seem to keep your body in an undulating motion very easily.
Dolphin kicking with these fins feels great, and I can get a get a nice slow/medium efficient stroke with these and cover 80m in a pool very comfortably. It's probably only the way I dolphin kick but I have found that I can cover more distance now dolphin kicking with the carbon fibres then I can using a flutter kick.
You certainly get some speed up when you sprint too !
(I'd be pretty keen to try out some carbon fibre Mono fins one day)
The other difference with the carbon fibres is they seem to get you going quicker off the bottom on a deeper dive, which I guess is what they were made for.
Anyway, just thought I'd share my thoughts on the Picasso's as no-one else in this discussion has tried them, cheers.