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Changes in new posts behavior

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

Bill McIntyre

San Clemente, CA
Staff member
Forum Mentor
Jan 27, 2005
I think I'm experiencing a difference since recent changes were made, and it is not an improvement for me. Others may well like it this way because they have a different approach to reading the new stuff, but I thought i'd pass it along for what its worth.

When I first log on and hit "new posts" I get all the threads that have posts since the last time I logged on. If I click on a thread and open it and then close it, it is gone from the list of threads with new posts. If I want to refer back to it, then I'm left wondering which forum the post was in and how I can even find it.

If I'm not mistaken, the way it used to work was that if I looked at a new thread and then went on to another, the one i looked at was dimmed, but still there. I found this much more satisfactory, because for some reason I tend to shop around among threads with new posts, and then go back to some of them for more reading. It is now very hard to do this.

I'm willing to accept the fact that I'm the only member who reads in this perverse way, and if so I'm sure I'll learn to live with it. I just thought I'd mention it in case others were suffering in silence.:)
Thanks for Speaking up Bill.

Its doing my head in also but i was afraid to speak up incase people thought i was a few roos short in the top paddock. :head :head

I glad i dont have to suffer in silence now, i feel better now i have spoken about it, it is a weight of my shoulders

I do understand your frustration. There are some underlying technology changes that had to be put in place to allow certain additional features to be enabled. One of these is called "Thread Marking" and is causing the direct impact on the "New Posts" functionality.

There is a strong debate going on in the software vendors website regarding how this search functionality should work with no clear decision. The argument can go both ways on whether the new way of marking threads should continue to display the thread after it has been read or not.

Can I ask those of you having trouble to try and use the following URL:


Let me know if that solves the issue for you. If it does i'm going to create a new menu item called "Today's Posts" in additon to the "New Posts" functionality. However I will only do this if enough people request the functionality.
I also browse through todays posts in a similar manner. I guess this is a pretty widespread illness, maybe we should start a support group ;)
matrixed82 said:
I also browse through todays posts in a similar manner. I guess this is a pretty widespread illness, maybe we should start a support group ;)

Maybe so. I'm not getting any better at it with practice. I almost hesitate to commit to looking at a thread by clicking on it because once I leave it, its essentially gone forever until someone else posts.

I also have a very hard time with my own new posts not showing up in the new posts because I tend to make typos the first time, or reconsider and think of something else I should have said. But once I hit submit, its gone into nowhere and I have even had to resort to doing a seach for my own user name to find something that I just sent.
Bill - have you tried my suggested new link?? This should solve you problem - if it does you need to let me know so I can add it as another item on the navbar. If no-one tells me they want it and I won't add it!
Bill, if you just recently posted you can find that thread on the mainpage - www.deeperblue.net , It shows the last 10 threads that have been updated.

Ad to commiting to threads, I just open all of them (or in groups) on different tabs (firefox) or windows (internet explorer) and close each one when I'm done. Might worth a try.
Stephan Whelan said:
Bill - have you tried my suggested new link?? This should solve you problem - if it does you need to let me know so I can add it as another item on the navbar. If no-one tells me they want it and I won't add it!

I suppose I didn't try it in the first place because you said that there would have to be a lot of demand, and I didn't know whether others would want it.

Anyway, I got here by using it and after opening a thread, it didn't seem to go away when I left it. If I'm understanding you, I should be able submit this post and then still see the thread in the list? Lets see.
I'm such a dolt. I clicked on new posts after submitting, and then of course it didn't show. I guess I needed to get back to the link you provided, and of course the easy way to be able to do that would be for it to be on the tool bar.

So I guess you can regard this as a muddled vote for adding it to the tool bar.
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