I'm still just a beginner, and I view a depth competition as a training session.
Usually I do only little packing in training, reaching 32m in a very slow relaxing way, my dives are usually about 2 minutes. I like to take my time to relax and 'learn the depth'.
I usually take short preperations, and do safety work in the mean time
In a competition I finally have all the time to focus, prepare etc.
In short the preperation is MUCH better than on training dives, therefor I find the PB breaking depth easy to accomplish. My latest CW PB was such a showcase. After some decent relaxing I packed a lot at the beginning and followed the advise to swim faster than I usually do, and the meters flew by very fast
At 28m I encounterd my tag, I leveled at the depth and figured this wasn't the right depth, no plate nor divers, I touched the tag and it glided further down. I followed it a further 10m down. At the plate there where 3 Tags, And I sought for mine and got it. And after complaining to the rebreather divers, I left the plate about 8 sec after touch down. At 15m I encounterd the safety, gave him the ok, and at 5m to a glance up to see where the boat was, making sure I wouldn't bumb into it
At surficeing I took a few obligatory breaths removed my mask gave the Ok-signal, than I started rightaway chatting about the 28m tag incedent
Though I made two long stops on the way down, it was still a speed record considering my slow diving, a 1:45. At 38m I had still plenty of air to clear etc. But it was 6m deeper than my previous PB(32m). The dive feld really easy.
At first I gave up 42m, a National record, but after hearing al the warnings and advices decided to reduce it to 38m. Looking back I'm sure I could have done it.
I expect that this Personal Best breaking will wear off when I finally stumble on some limitations, see if it hapens this season?
My next depth competition is going to be in Belgium, Free Immersion. And I plan on some serious training in Germany.
I think I would base my depth in the futere on how I feel, indeed very subjective. And if it's close to a national record I'm also temted to try for that, it would be a pitty to leave a record possibility. I've the time while diving, a luxurious feeling!