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Choosing a recreational monofin

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Dec 21, 2020
Looking for a recreational monofin for DYN in a similar blade shape/style to Leaderfins Flyer Fibreglass Monofin, that is comfortable to wear with 3mm full socks, for 4-5 hours at a time.
I bought Leaderfins Flyer Fibreglass Monofin - Soft 40 - 42 / Black and it is extremely sore on my inferior extensor retinaculum/retinaculum of my feet from the moment I put it on, I ended up with blisters and red marks on several places on my feet after use. I've tried with and without socks.
I'm looking for one with a very comfortable foot pocket (Leaderfins do sell others with different shape and size foot pockets, but I'd be ok with other brands if similar pricing).
But I need the best chance of getting it right 1st go due to potentially costing me $200 AUD to return ship one and ship a different one each time its 'not right'.
Leaderfins suggest to me "Hyper monofin + 2 sizes for comfortable wear" but +2 sizes from what?, I gave them all the measurements but they wont suggest an actual product size.
I ordered 40-42 becuase my shoe size is 7-8 https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/adreno-size-guides/Size+Guides/leaderfins-size-guide.jpg as indicated on this table (not sure how socks some into play).
For reference, my walking shoes are usually size 7, but I think my new ones are an 8.
My Beauchat Mundial One 50 bi-fins that i use with 3mm socks are size 39-40.
I'm using a size 7 boot for some open heel fins.
foot dimensions:
23.7cm long
8.7cm wide
7.5cm wide
Any recommendations? thanks.
Avi, I feel you, been there and done that this year. I first bought the Hyper carbon model size 43-44 basing the size on the measured foot length of 10.9" - 11.2", my foot size is just over 10" measured. I wanted a foot pocket to be slightly larger than my foot in order to wear socks. The foot pocket was very snug to my foot out of the box, after no small amount of heat forming of the arch where the foot first enters I was able to use full foot 3 mil socks. I do think the forming of the foot pocket is good with the Hyper fin an should be fairly comfortable even with just the toe socks provided. I have purchased another Hyper carbon monofin one size larger 45-46 in order to use 5 mil sock for winter use and the result was excellent with the same heat forming done. I do find the stereofin and monofin pockets to be very close in comparison for sizing. In the end I agree with Leaderfins suggestion, if you take a foot length measurement that matches closest to the chart measurement I would buy a size up for bare foot use and heat form for 3 mil socks. If you want something that will take full foot 3 mil socks out of the box and up to 5 mil with heat forming chose two sizes up from your measured length. I do not know anything about the Flyer model but the Hyper is not a light weight fin and account for that if descending. Hope that helps
Avi, I feel you, been there and done that this year. I first bought the Hyper carbon model size 43-44 basing the size on the measured foot length of 10.9" - 11.2", my foot size is just over 10" measured. I wanted a foot pocket to be slightly larger than my foot in order to wear socks. The foot pocket was very snug to my foot out of the box, after no small amount of heat forming of the arch where the foot first enters I was able to use full foot 3 mil socks. I do think the forming of the foot pocket is good with the Hyper fin an should be fairly comfortable even with just the toe socks provided. I have purchased another Hyper carbon monofin one size larger 45-46 in order to use 5 mil sock for winter use and the result was excellent with the same heat forming done. I do find the stereofin and monofin pockets to be very close in comparison for sizing. In the end I agree with Leaderfins suggestion, if you take a foot length measurement that matches closest to the chart measurement I would buy a size up for bare foot use and heat form for 3 mil socks. If you want something that will take full foot 3 mil socks out of the box and up to 5 mil with heat forming chose two sizes up from your measured length. I do not know anything about the Flyer model but the Hyper is not a light weight fin and account for that if descending. Hope that helps
Thanks for your reply, what is this heat forming procedure and how is it done?
Looking at the size chart (2nd last PDF page) https://www.leaderfins.com/media/2022.pdf
if i take my foot measurement, add 0.6cm (3mm front and back from sock) and then add 2 more sizes, i com to size 39-40, that's even smaller than what's causing me issues. that's not right.
If I take my walking shoe size 7-7.5, it says to go to 8-8.5 for 3mm sock, so I go to 8-8.5 and add 2 sizes and end up at size 43-44, is that the size I want?


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I'm not sure how helpful my feedback is for the Hyper fin where you are using the Flyer. It is a standard practice you can find on YouTube. I use a heat gun (looks like a hair dryer) on low. Using the sock you want to use, heat the areas where there is too much pressure until it expands a little then cool it completely with a cold soaked towel with your foot still in. Wet your sock and add suit slide lubricant to help get it in the pocket and keep your foot cool. If you are burning your foot you are likely burning your foot pocket. The ankle straps are bonded with an adhesive that will start to pull apart if too hot. If the current fin size is too tight on bare feet you could go up a few sizes and use 3 mil socks. It may be critical to determine if it's a width or length issue.
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