Friday 21 October 2005
Since my last trip was done on the weekend, with waaaay to many boats out on the tuna grounds, which makes for very difficult diving, i decided to try my luck on a week day.
The day didn't start off well, with 2 of the crew members cancelling on the very last minute. I managed to get a couple of my old commercial fishing friends to come with, just so that i could have some crew. With only 4 of us on board, we left two hours later than planned.
During the trip, i managed to crack one of the cabins windows and the deck wash pump also packed up. About 5nm into the trip, we run smack into a 25knt SE wind. Makes for a VERY bumpy ride. Was looking to be one of THOSE days when i should've rather stayed in bed........................
The weatherman predicted beautiful weather in the deep, and luckily for us, this time he was right. No wind and a fairly small swell. With-in the first 20minutes, we have 3 fish on rod and reel. Forty minutes later, two fish were lost and i'm still fighting mine. Then...........a bird flies into my line!!!! :vangry :vangry So, three fish lost!!! This whole process happened several times during the day. My crew are simply not experienced enough to handle these BIG fish. I managed to take 3 YF's weighing 64kg's, 76kg's and 82kg's on rod and reel.
We then decided to run slightly away from the other boats and try and get our own school of fish, so that i can get into the water. A short while later, i see birds working and YF tuna's smashing bait fish on the surface!!! (We very seldom see tuna working baitfish here!!) I run up to the feeding frenzy, and start chumming immediately. Before i could even put my wetsuit on, we had YF's all around the boat.
I jumped in, only to find the viz. is not so good. Maybe 12-15m, but with lots of particles in the water. The fish were everywhere, but they were VERY skittish, plus it looked like they were moving at MACH3!!!! Since the school of fish were feeding on the chum, i took my time and singled out ONE of the bigger looking fish. I had plenty of YF's in the 60-70kg class swim by, easily with-in range, but as luck would have it, the bigger fish stayed just out of range.
How-ever, THIS is where my 67" Mid-handled Tommy Botha wooden gun with 10mm(3/8")spear and 5x16mm (5/8") bands, really excels!!

I shot one of the bigger fish at probably full range. The slip tip engaged inside the fish!!
Twenty minutes later, the fish was brought along side the boat and my crew managed, with difficulty, to pull the fish on board. Inside that fish's mouth was a old rusted long line tuna hook plus a newish looking 9/0 gamagatsu hook with a short peice of flouro-carbon leader!!! Looks like its luck had run out!!

By now, i had drifted away from that school of fish and the not so clean water, and with me being the only diver in the water, i decided to call it a day.
Our final tally, 3 YF's on rod and reel and 1 speared. One or two of the tuna commercial boats (rod and reel) did quite well, with them boating up to 20YF's. During the course of the day, we also heard on the radio, a FEW times, of anglers being spooled by BIG YF tuna's. Thats Shimano Tiagra 50W with 80lb line!!!
My fish weighed in at 94kg's and from the other fish i saw in that school, it looks like we're going to break the 100kg with-in this MONTH still!!!