i am looking for info on clear coatings. some of you have already been posting with me on the subject, but i figured i will start a thread, so i can get info from the rest of you and also, the rest of you can benefit from the info gleaned. ok. what clear coating have you used and what were the results? i have been taking west system epoxy, hardener #207 special clear. i sand the bare barrel down with 220, wipe with acetone, then tack cloth. then brush on the epoxy. then immediately wipe it back off with a clean white cloth. let it dry, then repeat, only i sand in between coats with 400 grit paper. they look beautiful! they look almost oiled. they DONT look like a standard clear coat at all. i really dont have enough buid up to protect the gun for the long term. that is why i am starting this thread. who's got a good technique and product they want to share?, plus i need uv protection