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CMAS is killing U/W sports

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jrgian said:
la storia non è quella che indichi tu, amico

You certainly refering to the freediving world champs, aren't you?

jrgian said:
Scegli, per la CMAS non esiste problema!

I did my choice years ago, don't worry. You must be joking in this assertive (maybe my Italian is loosing me). If there were no problem, they wouldn't enact the prohibition in the first place. This threat is very insiduous because CMAS knows that many countries have eclectic federations, with many different UW sports. If one jumps out what happens to others? Yeah right, like Henry Ford said on the Model T: you can choose whatever color as long as it's black.
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Amico mio,
l'interdizione è a rientrare e non per andarsene....
Se volete andare fate pure, nessuno vi fermerà e neanche intende fermarvi.
Non potrete tornare indietro una volta fatta la vostra libera scelta....


ANDATE LIBERI... he he he e restate liberi o no?
We are going nowhere with this, apparently, being each other on different sides of the battle front... The fact of matter is that this so-called liberty to opt is BS; it's a canny political play. I feel sorry for those newcomers to CMAS politics, like freedivers in this forum.

For the record: I, as spearfisher, have opted out and, yes, burned my ships behind with much pleasure. We've gone through the Gandhi stages mentioned earlier in this thread: we're ignored at first, then ridiculized (when not plain offended), then fought against, but we won.

I garantee we're doing in my country a much better job than they ever dreamed of doing it. Insofar that freedivers also look up to us.
Reactions: DeepThought
This whole thing with FIPSA is new to me, thanks for the info. Puts things in perspective, knowing that AIDA is not alone out there.

I wouldn't mind if FIPSA and AIDA could find some sort of mutual support for each other on a political level, now that they seem to be products of similar political errors. Perhaps this way, it won't be a major loss being banned from CMAS events.

This new info has gotten me to rethink about forming political alternatives for finswimming and team sports as well. I didn't realize that spearfishers as well were displeased this much. I remember that some Danish rugby players a few years ago were considering other options than Danish CMAS, but I thought nothing of it. Now it sounds like CMAS has a major problem on all levels.

Damn, damn, damn! All of this shouldn't be necessary.
Life sucks. Screw it, I'm going diving...

Chris Engelbrecht
Reactions: immerlustig
Nessuna battaglia!
Nessuna ironia!

Se avete la soluzione migliore non avete che realizzarla.
Buona fortuna!
CEngelbrecht said:
I didn't realize that spearfishers as well were displeased this much. I remember that some Danish rugby players a few years ago were considering other options than Danish CMAS
The same also goes for UW target shooters, an UW sport with a big following in Eastern Europe.

Spearfishers have been displeased for a long time. The last drop was when CMAS general assembly banned spearfishing from its sports roster in 1999--a vote proposed by the Netherlands, if I recall well. Where were then the CMAS officers to block this proposal that went against their own by-laws? The decision was later reversed only by appeal to the International Sports Tribunal, in Paris.

One of those appealants, France, had internal troubles of their own later that led to a huge secession in their own ranks. Yes, the very crib of CMAS and one of the birth places of modern spearfishing. All of their top divers are now under FNPSA (and freedivers are at AIDA for a good reason, aren't they?). IMHO, they're quite right, why remain in a schizofrenic body that insists on "owning" a sport that the "majority" of its members want to see out? Could it be income from license fees or plain politic clout? Both? Or else? You tell me.

Some haven't showed their displeasure on federation level due to their own conveniences. I can promise you that 90% of important federations policy do not reflect the thinking of their own athlete-divers.

I agree, it's hard to change something that has been around for so many years. It's easier to go diving and let someone do the hard and/or boring bureaucratic work for you. But when the going gets tough only the tough gets going.
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jrgian said:
Se avete la soluzione migliore non avete che realizzarla.
Buona fortuna!
We've done so. I'm proud to belong a group of excellent people from all continents who are giving their time unselfishly so others can practice our chosen sport with fairness with enviromental awareness. Thanks for the well-wishing, perhaps you'd like to join us?
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No, sto bene dove sto e credo che dentro la CMAS sia meglio.
L'importante è che tu sia feice e soddisfatto.
Buona fortuna a te ed agli altri.
Che ognuno scelga la propria strada in serenità per vivere la propria passione come crede giusto.
Ted vs Jrgian debate is quite symptomatic: two persons speaking different languages. None of us should start from the point that he is good and the opponent is bad: there's good and bad in both. We should take all the good to rebuild a future for freediving.
Away of the Cmas/Aida thing, let me say to Ted, in respect and friendship, that the italian spearfishing federation is second to no one about environmental awareness: it's regarded by the governement as an officially environment safeguard organization, and i'm proud of it. Now, please, don't throw out of the window anything that's Cmas!
Credo, caro spaghetti,
che in ogni organizzazione ci sia del buono ma anche cose sbagliate.
Vale anche per la CMAS, ovviamente.
La mia scelta è per operare dentro la CMAS affinchè le cose cambino.
Questo non vuole dire affatto che farei le cose come l'AIDA nella CMAS.
Chi pensa ciò, perde tempo e risorse che, come dice Coste, farebbe bene a indirizzare verso lo sviluppo dell'AIDA.
Chi pensa di poter succhiare il sangue dalle Federazioni Nazionali sbaglia strada.
Deve insieme ad altri fare nuove organizzazioni Nazionali che paghino le sue passioni.
Chi crede di poter attingere alle risorse umane e di sport della CMAS per fare altro sbaglia ed è scorretto.
Credo che il mondo dei freedivers creato dall'AIDA sia assolutamente indiendente e che come tale deve svilupparsi e restare libero da ogni intromissione.
E' troppo distante culturalmente dal mondo dello sport organizzato a livello mondiale.
Almeno oggi è così.
La CMAS non deve cercare Coste così come gli atleti dell'AIDA non devono cercare le Federazioni Nazionali perchè paghino le loro passioni.
Mettano mano ai LORO soldi!

Credo che se da parte di chi vuole uscire dalle Federazioni Nazionali per seguire i mondi sportivi nuovi che si aprono ci fosse rispetto non ci sarebbero problemi ma solo opportunità in più.

La FIPSA nasce per problemi interni a Federazioni Nazionali come quella Francese, Tunisina e Brasiliana.
Problemi di denaro prima che di altro.
Ogni Nazione organizza il mondo sportivo interno in modo diverso e pensare che ciò che va bene a casa propria possa essere giusto a casa degli altri è l'errore di chi non conosce il mondo sportivo e fa regole e Federazioni guardandosi l'ombellico.

Nessuno è perfetto, non lo è la CMAS ma ancora meno perfetti lo sono la FIPSA e l'AIDA.
Questo penso io ed è legittimo che gli altri pensino il contrario basterebbe non raccontare bugie nel rispetto dell'altrui pensiero.
Vedo, invece, che prevalgono bugie ed ODIO.

jrgian said:
La FIPSA nasce per problemi interni a Federazioni Nazionali come quella Francese, Tunisina e Brasiliana... Problemi di denaro prima che di altro.

It was part of problem, yes, the kind of where exactly did the money go during its disappearing act.:mute
Reactions: CEngelbrecht
Jrgian, this is exactly what I was trying to say: i'm not a Cmas official, neither an Aida entusiast. I'm just afraid that this war wìill bring very bad issues in the future, not only for freediving, but also for spearfishing. Now i'll stop taking part to this discussion, because it's making me sad...
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