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Cold but oh so much fun!

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Mar 4, 2006
We are only a few days away from the shortest day here. The skifields are opening and the puddles are freezing at night so it is pretty cold.
I have been sticking to pool training for the last couple of months so it was good to meet up with an out of town diver for a quick trip.
We got permission to cross some farmland to a good spot for a shore dive from a place called Peppin Island. Paul had his gun but I just took my eyes (can't wait to get my camera).
When we got to the spot after a very treacherous walk we got a fire organized on the beach for after the dive. I used my 6.5mm scuba suit (hurry up Elios) with a 2mm neoprene shirt underneath.
It was surprisingly warm but not a lot of big fish around. Still there was some interesting creatures around and I really enjoyed my dive. The vis was reasonable - about 5m but a bit clearer in deeper areas. I am definately keen on lots more winter dives.
After the dive we lit the fire and got steaming - the fire was a VERY good idea.


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Ah New Zealand, so beautifull !
Now i definitly understand why so many Germans want to go there :)
By the way what was the water temperature ?

Christophe (having one of the longest days with some blue sunny sky ;) )
Wow! NZ is on my short list of places to live.
I just went for a dive here with my daughter - surface temp is about 15-18c - which means no wetsuit for her. (she doesn't even like to use a mask - just the fin!) I'm using my plush-lined 3 mil because the thermalcline is about 11C. but mostly we just played around with our monofins. Her technique is WAY better than mine.

I'd planned to use my 5 mil - after my winter suit which is 6 - but the surface warmed up so suddenly that was getting uncomfortably hot during breathups.

It's summer time and the breakwall is exploding with fish! I'm looking forward to see you u/w pictures. It must be amazing there.


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Your daughter sounds tough!

Love the clear water and your photos are awesome as usual. BTW what is a breakwall?
a long pile of rocks that protects a Marina from the waves.
The landscape in your pictures is just stunning!
My neice & nephew will be in Dunedin from January through June...Looking at pics of New Zealand I don't think they'll wanna come home!

If you meet them Shoutatthesky...Neither will you...Especially my neice. She looks like Carmen Electra...but with a better body! Man they are IN shape. Ahhhh...To be young again...I wish!

Nice pics! Hope my neice & nephew can get up your way...How long of a drive from Dunedin to Nelson?
Its a good 10 hours or so from Dunedin to Nelson. I'd love to go diving with Carmen if you can arrange it(pleeese):)
I'll look into it! Thanks Shoutathesky...We'll be in touch!

BTW- They are from a VERY small town called Boaz, in Wisconsin.

They both live a pretty clean life but do imbibe booze heavily on occasion!
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Adam those pictures are just stunning!!! Wish we had time to come out next year. :( I have been told no leave after October this year for almost a year....
Pics of Neil & Natalie - I told you they were fit!

Natalie is on the right. The girl on the left is ONE of the women after Neil...He's not an ass about it...He just want's it to be THE RIGHT woman!!! Very high morals & family values these two I tell ya. If I was him....Hehehe! But I'm a dirty old man!

Neil in fact is Cosmopolitan magazines Bachelor of the year for "Wisconsin"!!! He's in a Cosmo contest in New York October 9th for the USA bachelor of the year!!!

Island Sands - Check it out October 9th on COSMO'S website...Hopefully you'll vote for him!

P.S. - Guys CAN vote too! He stands a chance to win $10,000.00 U.S. If he wins he's gonna split it with his sister to help defray the cost of the New Zealand trip expenses!!!


And to think...I USED to be good looking too! WHAT HAPPENED? Oh...Thats right....40 years happened!roflroflrofl
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Island Sands - I WISH I looked like that!!! BTW....You also posted a pic of yourself once that was an old flabby lady...It was DEFINATELY not you... I AM AN OLD FLABBY MAN! That pic was my response to yor flabby old lady pic!roflWell, I'm not quite that flabby anymore...But still old!

The girls are in fact who I said they are...And so is the Guy...Neil.

Shoutatthesky will surely meet them both while they are in New Zealand.

I'm hoping he'll turn them onto freediving!!!:inlove

Want more pics?
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Here....from left to right...Neil, My Mom, Me "The fat guy" :yack!!!, My brother, and Natalie. Neil has a tendency to "hide" his hands in photos...They got pretty "hamburgered up" in Iraq.:vangry

I'll have to find you the pics of Neil all sweaty with a chain saw....But I don't think you could handle it!!!!!:t

You sure you don't wanna see any pics of me? I'm quite "the looker" now!!!! No not really...But I HAVE lost over 40 pounds since that photo!!!!! THANKS TO FREEDIVING AND LIVING HEALTHY!!!! AND I'M LIVING HEALTHY BECAUSE OF FREEDIVING!!!! I FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING I LOVE!!!!:inlove

Shoutatthesky....I did'nt mean to HIJACK your thread with all of this nonsense...Actually it was more of a "resurection". Still I'm sorry...

Island Sands USUALLY finds a way to slap me around a little on here...but thats O.K.....I still say she's pretty cool....Errrrr....I mean HOT! Some people seem to get away with alot..."IF" they look good! I Think they refer to women like that as DIVAS?
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Bgill - If I go diving with HER how the hell am I supposed to control my heart rate???? .....Then again maybe an ex-marine brother could do the trickroflrofl

Sara - Everybody needs a holiday. (I am living proof of that.) I'll see if I can keep you supplied with lots of new pictures of beautiful places to keep you sain and inspired to visit.:)
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