This must have been discussed before, and I've seen related talks in various threads, but the search function has not helped me. Links please if you know of relevant threads.
How does different training approches affect DR in the long run? Just to take two extremes.
1) One school or training paradigm might say that you should do lots of apnea walk, apnea biking, dry tables, and mostly training technique in water, with suit, mask and noseclip. Then when it's time for a competitiondive, no mask and noseclip, and the feeling of doing apnea in water will be stresful and will kick in DR strongly and early.
2) Another school of training paradigm might say that you should do lots of specific in water training, no suit, mask or noseclip, and lots of wet tables and near PB dives, to train and condition the diverespons to get stronger.
Now, this is not a question on how to maximize dive respons here an now, it's a question about how to affect dive repsons in the long run. Should/could it be trained and made stronger, or is it perhaps innate, and only get's weaker as we get more used to the stressfactors.
I can see the logic in both approaches.
On the other hand option 1 (mostly dry) approach might not "train/condition" the body and the DR for water related activity. And option 2 (wet, specific training) might desensitize the dive respons to a weaker form, because the body gets used to feeling water and the stress from hypoxia/hypercapnia.
I've read comments from people saying their dive respons commes later and later with training. On the other hand, it's my impression that most advice on training seeks, to some degree, to get in to DR mode often and make it a "trained respons".
To confuse me even more, one weel known diver seems to advocate specific DR activating traing, at the same time as wanting as big a stress effect in competition/target dives as possible, wich is sort of in favour of the "specific training/conditioning of diverespons" but at the same time might be less stressful in targetdives because all training is also done that way, desensitizing the respons. As I see it, it is sort of a catch 22... It's seems difficult to get both. Or does it??
Any thoughts about this? Is it a matter of finding a balance between the two, or what would be better for a good DR in competition over a long period of time?
Is it possible to train/condition a good strong diverespons, without desensitizing it at the same time?
How does different training approches affect DR in the long run? Just to take two extremes.
1) One school or training paradigm might say that you should do lots of apnea walk, apnea biking, dry tables, and mostly training technique in water, with suit, mask and noseclip. Then when it's time for a competitiondive, no mask and noseclip, and the feeling of doing apnea in water will be stresful and will kick in DR strongly and early.
2) Another school of training paradigm might say that you should do lots of specific in water training, no suit, mask or noseclip, and lots of wet tables and near PB dives, to train and condition the diverespons to get stronger.
Now, this is not a question on how to maximize dive respons here an now, it's a question about how to affect dive repsons in the long run. Should/could it be trained and made stronger, or is it perhaps innate, and only get's weaker as we get more used to the stressfactors.
I can see the logic in both approaches.
On the other hand option 1 (mostly dry) approach might not "train/condition" the body and the DR for water related activity. And option 2 (wet, specific training) might desensitize the dive respons to a weaker form, because the body gets used to feeling water and the stress from hypoxia/hypercapnia.
I've read comments from people saying their dive respons commes later and later with training. On the other hand, it's my impression that most advice on training seeks, to some degree, to get in to DR mode often and make it a "trained respons".
To confuse me even more, one weel known diver seems to advocate specific DR activating traing, at the same time as wanting as big a stress effect in competition/target dives as possible, wich is sort of in favour of the "specific training/conditioning of diverespons" but at the same time might be less stressful in targetdives because all training is also done that way, desensitizing the respons. As I see it, it is sort of a catch 22... It's seems difficult to get both. Or does it??
Any thoughts about this? Is it a matter of finding a balance between the two, or what would be better for a good DR in competition over a long period of time?
Is it possible to train/condition a good strong diverespons, without desensitizing it at the same time?