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Confused about Sebak Monofins

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You take my breath away!
Sep 16, 2003
Before I order my first monofins I want some help because I am little confused about the 2 different Sebak companies:
www.sebakfins.net & www.sebakfins.com
I was thinking to order from Sebakfins.net (SpecialFins) the coloured (blue) A blue one but with the same stiffness as the carbon blade. The have a 20 degrees angle and omer footpockets.

Carbon is a alternative but it's more expensive and more fragile so the choice is not simple.

Anyway, are the products and quality the same at the 2 companies?

I know Efattah will recommend me to buy Waterway monofins but:
1. I don’t know what they cost
2. The Swedish agent didn’t answer my mail.
3. I want confort & efficiency and my monofin should be for open water and I will use them mostly for fin-swimming, spearfishing, freediving ( dynamic).
If I whant to wear it minimum 45 minutes, Sebak with omer footpockets, I think, is a better choice for me.

There are some threads that discussed the difference between the two companies/web sites. I have heard different things, but I know Jyri who I and several other members have dealt with and like, is at www.sebakfins.net .
Hi Lambis,

Fully understandable that you are confused about these 2 companies. Let me try to give you some explanation.

All our team worked previously under Sebak Ltd, but since March 2003 we started our independent way as SpecialFins Ltd.

Quality? Our production manager (2 times world champion in underwater orientation) is having experience in fin production for almost 15 years. In Sebak Ltd. all people are new!!!

Products? Some products in 2 companies are the same. But that was our team, which started developing of freediving monofins in Sebak Ltd and is now continuing that in Specialfins – currently in co-operation with 2 world record holders.

For more information about us and our products:

Just contact me!
Jyri, SpecialFins Ltd. Sales Manager
Thanks Juri for the help!!!

By the way if you are Juri from Specialfins you got mail.
Thanks for all the help people

Thanks Jyri. You have been very patient with all my emails I hope we find a Omer foot pockets size solution.
I have heard that Omer & Sporasub footpockets are similar
Is it true?


I have found that Sporasub are slightly bigger in their sizes than OMER but the difference is small maybe 1/2 size.
I just got my new Specialfins monofin last night. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but it looks pretty good to me.
From just trying it on I think that I still like my Sporasub footpockets better than these OMER ones. Sporasub's seem to fit tighter around the heel and give me a little more room in the forefoot.

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I know for sure that the OMER footpockets will be 100 times more comfortable than my current, Waterway, monofin!

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I thought I'd add a picture of the monos on top of one another to compare the blade size.

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Hi Jon

I am to thinking to go with the Coloured model (blue) from Specialfins.
What size footpocket have you choice?
Becauce I dont know If i go with 42-44 or 44-46
I will use a 3 mm sock.

And please when you try it write a review!

About your waterway.. who is it in confort & efficiency?
I have a size 43 foot, that I know for sure from years of skiing.

I wear 3mm socks with my size 42-44 Sporasub fin pockets without a problem.
In the winter I can get a 6mm sock under my 42-44 Spetton foot pocket with out too much trouble.
These new OMER pockets are loose enough that I think I can get the 6mm socks into a 42-44 without too much trouble, although I was planning on just wearing a 3mm sock for most of my diving with them.

My Waterway is NOT a comfortable fin. I have worn it barefoot, with a 1.5mm sock, a 3mm sock, a 5mm sock, and even a 6mm sock. While my feet stayed warm enough, it was always painful on my arch.

Juri emailed me and told me that they will stretch into place with a little bit of use. I am sure to lose a little bit of efficency with such a thick sock on but I am after comfort, so I can wear it all winter and not damage my feet.

Right now I figure I can wear the Specialfins mono all the time and if I really want to do some special deep dive I could throw on the Waterway, as I plan on keeping it.

I just got back form a short trip to the pool. I can tell you that I really love my new fin compared to my old Waterway. It is much more comfortable and I think it even improved my technique in the little bit of time I got to use it- I had the family with we as well.:D

I have read Laminar's article many times about doing the "wall worm". I have tried to emulate this motion with the Waterway and never was able to do a very good job. Once I put the Specialfins mono on I could "feel" what Laminar had been describing, and I had been trying to do in the past. Maybe it has to do with the angle of the blade, and my inflexible ankles, but I felt much more streamlined and didn't need to make any big undulations- they were actually quite small to get the fin moving.
I put my Waterway back on to compare and immediately had pain in my arches.

One note about sizing, I mentioned before that I am a solid 43 and ordered the OMER 42-44 footpockets. I tried them out with my 3mm socks first, but then switched to my 6mm socks. The 6mm socks actually felt better as they helped to take up the extra room in the foot pocket. I imagine that one might argue about loss of performance, but Lake Michigan is 39 degrees right now and I know that these will keep me toasty all winter long!

Just my $.02, so far.;)

Hi Jon

I am glad that you like your new Monofin!
After what you said I think that me too I will with 42-44
I am a solid 44 and i will use only 3mm socks (Greek Water).
Is the blade compare to the waterway softer or harder?

Jon, I have the same experience about the angle of the fins. I have stiff ankles and it's much easier to use a fin with an angle.

The OMER footfocket will be better and better in time. The first try they will seem very clumsy and stiff but after several sessions of hard swimming they get softer in the right places. I think OMER gives better support for the upper part of the foot which I think make them more effective. (Compared to Sporasub)


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Thanks for your off-list advice Peter.

I am sure that I will be much happier with this fin. I think that the blade angle will have more of a positive impact on my technique than even the comfortable foot pockets.

BTW: was that a waterway I saw stuffed in the lower right hand corner of that picture you attached?

Hi Jon

I whant you to ask you why you choosed that monofin and not the black (Carbon)?

Peter has recommend me that if I go with the blue one is better to choose one with the stifness of the carbon (I am tall)
but then, why shouldn't go immediately with the Carbon ?!

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I didn't go with the carbon becasue a good deal of my freediving involves shipwrecks in the Great Lakes. I was scared that I might break a carbon mono by slapping it into something that's not going to give.

If I were just diving a line I might go for the Carbon model, but I plan on using it for everything and thought that the blue blade could handle more abuse.

Originally posted by Jon

BTW: was that a waterway I saw stuffed in the lower right hand corner of that picture you attached?

Jon [/B]

Yes Jon you are right, it is a WW!
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