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Continent (Kontinent) speargun on eBay

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popgun pete

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
This "Continent" gun is of the releasing valve type, the trigger pushes a rod that revolves a sear lever that frees the releasing valve to be driven rearwards which then opens the rear of the inner barrel for the shot. Before reloading the gun the rear knob is pressed forwards to reset the trigger mechanism. Similar to the “Alpha C1” in this releasing valve action, but executed in an entirely different way. A gunsmith product built to customer order in past years.


Here is a working schematic for the "Continent" gun.
continent schematic.jpg

And another gun with a different rear end. Note the inner barrel serves as the hand pump with the muzzle set to pumping mode (as above).

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This is a Katran gun (named for the shop?) that uses the same system and is a much larger gun.
Katran 950 38cm receiver.jpg
Here is another "Katran" gun, but this one uses a different system as it is pressurized with a separate hand pump. It is quite a heavy gun for its size and is said to be made of stainless steel. Slightly forward biased mid-handle is for lower visibility shooting while barrel length gives a more powerful shot. Note the swinging rod floppers on the spear tip to prevent escapes.
Katran A.jpg

This gun is advertised as the Spiny Dogfish (Valve operation) and comes in a number of sizes from 30 cm to 800 cm. It is manufactured in the Ukraine.
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Oleg Fomkin - the author of Katran is dead! Katran is no longer produced in Ukraine! This is already a rarity!

With a beard, my Teacher Zubritsky S.E. , without a beard Oleg Fomkin - Author of Katran.


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I am sorry to hear that he has passed. I actually own this gun which only arrived recently, it is not a design that would be as useful here where rear handle guns now dominate, being easier to aim. However it appears well made with attention to detail and is in good condition despite being a used example. The guns are still advertised on the Internet. https://ua.all.biz/en/underwater-gun-800-of-mm-spiny-dogfish-klapannik-g925514
A revised version of the "Continent" was created by designer Yuri Gladkov and is known as the YUG (based on his initials).
YUG speargun.jpg

An obvious change is the grip handle no longer sits so far below the gun barrel/tank. These guns are made to order rather than being production guns.
Shotguns YUG are underdeveloped and require specialist intervention for operation! The harpoon is not centered in the muzzle and there is no piston shock absorption! The plastic mushroom of the valve for cocking the valve into the operating position breaks quickly! Shotgun YUG, except for the handle, is no longer of interest among users - hunters in Ukraine and is sold at the Flea market at low prices!
The similar "Alpha C1" is still available and has been discussed elsewhere on this forum. It also uses a push reset releasing valve in the rear gun butt, but there a ball system controls the rearward sliding release valve rather than a revolving sear lever. Inner barrel airflow benefits from the absence of a sear lever sitting directly behind the piston in all these valve operated spearguns.
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Well a bit of searching on various sites shows the Katran comes in two versions, one with a releasing valve which can be distinguished by the control rod running rearwards from the grip handle and a piston hook gun that uses a piston with a mushroom tail. Not many photos of the gun of any size on the Web, most are thumbnails, but found this one of the piston.
Katran piston.jpg

As the mushroom tail is angled it would appear to be held by a matching angled tooth, unstable sear lever that is prevented from turning by a pull rod running under the front of it. When you pull the sliding trigger the rod is moved forwards thus freeing the sear lever to rotate and release the piston. A similar scheme is used on the Pelengas “Varvar” gun, but to relatch the gun the sear lever may push back on an elongated pivot pin hole as that is usually how this type works. The Nemrod “Mariner” also operates this way. From memory the Mordem "Saturno" also uses this system, it being a rival to the Mares "Sten".

Another system is to use 3 balls to hang onto the piston tail, but if this was the case then there would have been mention of it.
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Oleg Fomkin has a patent RU1799449 dated 28/02/1993 for an Underwater Hunting Pneumatic Gun. I read some comments on Russian forums that it is actually earlier than the "Continent" gun. I have yet to see a copy of the patent as right now I cannot retrieve it using a site that I used to use where there was no charge involved.

P.S. I have been able to find some of the text of this patent and it appears to be a gun with a pull rod and sear lever which suggests that this patent is not for the valve operated gun. Reading an article by the inventor's son Dmitry he says his father saw a gun being used at a competition which had the valve system and he and others then used it in their respective guns. It is often the case that "home-made" gunsmith guns present a new idea which others seek to replicate, unless a patent is already in place. So I think the Katran was earlier, but in its hook mechanism form, not in the valve mechanism form.
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Finally found a photo of the gun in pieces. The sea lever is in fact one of those cylinder types with a cut-out that revolves to let the mushroom head escape once the cut-out lines up flush with the curvature of the inner barrel wall. This type of sear lever appears in many Russian guns, including the forward latching models.
Another view of the "Yug", this one may have a titanium tank, judging by its colour. Pistol grip handle is only held by one bolt, previous handle first appearing on the Katran is held on by two bolts, one at either end.
yug gun.jpg

yug handle.jpg
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