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Cornwall 2008.

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Registered Cruiser
Sep 2, 2006
Here we go again!

I can't see that anyone else has started a 2008 thread yet so here you go.

a friend has called his daughter Kai he says it cornish but I cant bring myself to tell him what it means!!!
Been a little slack of late. Happy New Year to the lot of ya!! I hope the new year brings you all plenty of fish (unless you are fishing my local spots)

Hopefully the next season should be a good one. I am going in to the kayak side of things and i have a few reefs in mind offshore.
One of my girlfriends friends has also called her toddler Kai. Unfortunately, another friend has a dog called Kai. So when they are together and someone tells him off, the dog gets upset too.rofl
Just got back from the Newquay aquarium centre.Got kinda stuck on the tank full of nuggety bass.The urge to slip in to the tank was pretty strong.Felt a bit wrong coming away from the place with an urge for seafood.
Just got back from the Newquay aquarium centre.Got kinda stuck on the tank full of nuggety bass.The urge to slip in to the tank was pretty strong.Felt a bit wrong coming away from the place with an urge for seafood.

You have just gotta stay away from PLymouth aquarium. I made that mistake last year. The big tank with the atlantic fish is a nightmare to watch.

Last year i made it to about feb before i started to get a twitchy trigger finger over my childrens fish tank. Its starting early this year.
Reactions: Mr. X
Hastings aquarium has some big bass and gilthead bream.

Gutshot, thanks for the link of wetsuit heaters. Sounds like just the thing for me, let us know how it goes.
The Hotsuits belt is great. After zipping up my suit i felt around the back to see if i could feel the button to set it off and did so by mistake so it is not hard to get it going. The following feeling is hard to understand if you are not into peeing in your suit, but that is what it felt like. The only difference was the warm feeling lasted about an hour! It is the warmest i have been all winter!

The only draw back i found was the belt worked its way up my body andended up just below my chest. I have a few ideas to solve this and i will get back to you. Mind you i was surfing and dont think you would have the same problem diving!

Next time i will avoid fiddling with the button till i start to feel like i may be starting to get cold.

Ive got a holiday coming up in michaelstow near padstow in April and was hoping to take my gear with me, Can you guys recommend any good spearo spots around that area?
Any of the little coves between padstow and port issac are good and at least you have a chance of getting a parking sport that time of year.
Chaps new things are happening on Deeperblue in 2008 with the South West holding a fish of the month competition.Have a look get involved and tell your mates.
Started reading back through the 2007 thread earlier to see when the fish started showing.My first fish was around March 10th (mullet) and first bass somewhere round April 10th.Nickever had the first bass last year and got a few good ones early on.
By the looks of it there was plenty of diving and fish being taken through March.If i remember rightly the weather and conditions were great and i recall being on the beach for Easter.
It got me all excited and i thought about whipping over to trevellus for a quich dive but my socks and gloves were still floating around in box where they've spent the winter.
Think i'm gonna start getting my gear ready and try having a look next time it looks good.
Anyone else been or thinking of getting in there?
Hi badlander I think most spearos are starting to stir and get itchy trigger fingers which cause them to do crazy things like brave the cold water. I try to stay in all year round and weather providing I get in every chance I can. my last dive on saturdy was the coldest so far but by no means freezing.
Have any of you guys ever been to the Silly isles? I have been watching a program on tele - Island Parish -
I am sure I read somewhere the islands were pretty fished out, esspesialy the flatfish that were once very abundant?
Anyway they sure look beautiful, quite a lot in common with our smaller Islands.
I've been a few times now.It truely is a beautiful place.I have speared there on St Martins on a few occaisions and seen no bass at all.Saw a lot of huge mullet and and all the other usual speicies.Had some good wrasse and pollock on the spinning rod too.I've heard that you don't get that many bass out there which strikes me as odd since they're only 20 odd miles away.Of course,could be there are loads in the right spots but i sure as hell couldn't find any.
Strange about the bass? I think it might of been Dave who wrote something about the flatfish?
Where does the ferry leave from & do you know how much it cost?