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Cornwall 2008.

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hey foxfish i was just wondering what guernsy is like for spearfishing and are the fish the same as u catch in cornwall or brighton because i know guernsy is close to france so maybe different fish? calico
The Scillonian ferry leaves from Penzance and is about £80 return and normal service resumes the week before Easter,around the 16th March.It can get pretty lively in a good sea and is a renowned puke inducing ship.
Well worth a look if you're ever down our way as there are day trips available for reduced fares if you get the west briton local paper who offer vouchers which work out a lot cheaper.A day trip is a pretty rushed affair though because the ferry takes about 3 1/2 hours so you're pretty much stuck on StMarys.
Was pretty keen on having a look at getting in the sea tonight but managed to get a splinter at work that went so far into my finger that i had to go and have my finger cut on the other side and have it pulled right through.Lovely stuff.Got to keep it dry now for 5 days.
Thanks for the info, is there a helicopter that can get you there?
I've heard that you don't get that many bass out there which strikes me as odd since they're only 20 odd miles away.Of course,could be there are loads in the right spots but i sure as hell couldn't find any.[/quote]

Talking to a friend who lives on St Agnes he thinks it's because of the cold deep water, shelf etc there. The mackerel are also seasonal unlike Cornwall. is this the same in the Channel islands.
Can you reuse the splinter ?
Dived at Talland Bay yesterday. The viz was shocking close to the rocks, but cleared a small amount a bit further out, about 6ft if I was lucky. There were no fish to be seen. Absolutely nothing, apart from a small wrasse and a sea cucumber. So, with grey skies, a cold breeze, drizzle and a good chop on the water, I lasted all of 45 minutes. I think i'll give it a couple more weeks.....
Trelawny get urself over to torbay mate the viz its pretty good at the moment with about 4 meters in some spots. The big tides are a bonus though
Hi everyone

As like the most of you i am so eager to get back in the water.I did go about 3 weeks ago but was a complete waste of time, viz was almost zero and water a bit chilly especially on my feet. So i could do with a bit of advice on socks or booties that i could wear on my feet as well as my slip on flippers.


hi steve

I wear a pair of rock shoes as im sick of going thru pairs of socks every 2 months

will post a pick as soon as i find the camera
Here you go Steve.

They made by typhoon and are a must have ( in my mind anyway) if you going to clamber down rocks and pebble beaches, they have a rubber tread at the bottom so the grip is very good.

I use a pair of 3mm typhoon socks during summer and 4mm aqualung socks during winter although I find the 4mm a bit uncomfortable in my garas as they have a fairly narrow pocket:confused:
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Hi Steve, I've just ordered some 5mm socks from apnea online in Jersey.Good for some early season hunting.Like Scott says,you do tend to go through socks if your doing a lot of rocky shore dives.I sometimes wear my slaps but they get pretty slippy.
Spearo.co.uk is worth a look and Dave isn't so far away from you with the gear plus he's a good one to tap up for tips,info etc.

Just getting a load of kit together for this season.Had to pretty much replace everything but guns and fins!
Trying to get a 'spare' kit together for getting a few more friends into the sport this year,if i can tear them away from their surfboards.
Its a strange thing badlander. As surfers (and I know you were / still are.. as once I guesse is always) we pray for swell and get excited by heavy seas..... yet I now (at least during May - Aug) get fustrated by any swell that may ruin the local viz!

Worst case is when 1ft of wind slop ruins the viz and offers nothing to surf!
For sure,i take delight in seeing a glassy smooth piece of sea in the summer....small waves like, like you say, only cause me grief.It annoys my mates i'm sure of it.They all seem keen after a few jars but can i get them excited about getting up before dawn to check out some low tide kelp?....No chance.Fine by me though.
Been surfing pretty uncrowded good waves just lately and i'm happy to swap the summer crowds for a bit of solitary hunting.
I've just ordered a load of stuff which is turning up soonish.As soon as it arrives i'll be waiting for the conditions to get in there.
Well,all my new stuff has arrived and been set up so it's time to get in there.Picked up some weights from a dive shop today and the guy in there said there was good (10m) viz off the lizard so depending on the tides might try and shoot down there after work this week.That is if i can shrug off this sodding head cold.
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Dived down on the Lizard yesterday as the tide went out to low.
Vis was a couple of meters at the start but increased to about 4 meters once you'd got across a bay an into the shelter of a headland.
Didn't see a great deal, a couple of Wrasse lurking about and some bait fish.
First dive this year and it was a little chilly to start but not bad after a while.

Went in at Swnapool today,bit of movement there but looked pretty clear...Vis was 5m at best and there were exactly no fish apart from the bait fish and small fry.Pleasent though,found an old mask which did for some target practice.
Just bought an Omer mimitec med suit though and although it fits great,the beaver tail is about 5 inches too short and can be done up but not if i want any more kids in the future.
Left it undone today but it's not ideal really.
Any ideas?
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a) cut your nads off and pickle them for future use? (I have a mate who is a Vet who could jot down some notes for you... or failing that he is always keen to give these things a go).

b) or how about approcahing Snugg wetsuits (they are based down your way) and ask them to stitch and glue an extra bit of neoprene in. I'm pretty sure a few years ago they used both the open and closed type cell neoprene , and for build quality there suits are pretty good. Not the most comfortable suits but they last forever!
Good idea Pav,and the one i was probably going to opt for.Just a few inches of supple neoprene would make it a hell of a lot better.
I took my old elios suit to snugg to get some knee pads put in it and they were great,they couldn't put open cell in though but it made little or no diference to the suit.
Took a stroll down the beach just before high tide tonight.....easily the windiest i've ever felt it...there was a few feet of sea foam (spume?) on the beach and the tide was the highest i can ever remember.Surf was huge.Almost went in at st ives breakwater earlier but the wind just consumed it.
Heres a few photos
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