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Cornwall 2008.

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
Happy New Year to all the fine Cornish chaps and chapets, let there be calm seas and sunny weather for 2009. (especially for when I visit in the summer).
Have a good one peeps.:friday:friday
happy new year :friday

thankfully a small pulse of swell came through yesterday afternoon. Got in for the last surf of 2008... and hopefully a small wave today to welcome in 2009. It did confirm yesterday that it is far too cold for spearing unless your bonkers (which I know the regular thread users are :) !)

I look forward to seeing the January FOM photos.
Happy New Year to all - got to say that it is a little cold for me - mountainbiking is bad enough, but seeing the cold briney every day reminds me of the bass that WILL be coming my way this year!!!!!

Good fishing to all

Diver9 (Carlyon Bay):friday:friday:friday
Happy new year to you all out there!

Had a dip off the North Coast yesterday in the hope of some crab and whatever else may cross my path. Not a hope! Couldn't find any crab or lobbies, only fish I saw were the occasional wrasse and vis was not what I had anticipated (3-4m) after virtually no swell over the past few days. I may try the South Coast in a few days. Anyone seen any good crab around?
