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Cornwall Spearfishing 2006

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dived south coast today viz was ok got 2 nice mullet, didnt see any bass but see about 5 dogfish wich was nice to see, did not shoot any just let them be. see what tomorrow is like but not counting on it probably go for a surf..
What is it with the doggies? i've seen loads the past 2 days after not seeing any.Got in south coast also today,saw some good sized bass in the murk and loads of mullet.Nabbed one medium sized bass and called it a day.Frustrating though,a bit more time and i'm sure there would have been a good chance of getting something a bit better but try telling that to the Mrs.:naughty
badlander said:
a bit more time and i'm sure there would have been a good chance of getting something a bit better but try telling that to the Mrs.:naughty

Ahh, woman! Bless them!!! Can't live with them, can't live with out them. At least they give us the chance to continue diving when we can't get in the searofl
Got in this afternoon on the Lizard,viz was pretty good,saw a few bass but no joy,got a mullet but heard some strange noises,like banging rocks and clicking....my mate heard it too...any suggestions?
Sounds silly but it could be shrimp making a noise, if
you couldn't see anything bigger around. :confused:
I have heard similar noises myself, espessialy in warmer waters, could be trigger fish eating crabs or shellfish?
foxfish said:
I have heard similar noises myself, espessialy in warmer waters, could be trigger fish eating crabs or shellfish?

I wasn't joking about the shrimp lol , Ive heard them making
plenty of noise, especially in Florida
I've heard clicking noises several times. I've heard it attributed to bass & lobster. That might be wishful thinking though. I know that wrasse eat mussels - I wonder what kind of noise that makes...
Mr. X said:
I've heard clicking noises several times. I've heard it attributed to bass & lobster. That might be wishful thinking though. I know that wrasse eat mussels - I wonder what kind of noise that makes...
mmhhh, my guess? Mako Shark sharpening his teeth...
Or Gilthead eating mussels.
BTW: is it bass season there too? Here in the upper Med it's fully the best season for bass (while for me it's being just family and work season. Grrr!)
Maybe,there was noone about though,it's a pretty remote spot...i kinda had that spooked feeling for the remainder of my session though....ah well,jobs a good'n!
I knew that i had read about underwater noises somewhere before...


Post #12 (by Foxfish )

Maybe this was the culprit!

It was noticable colder today! Still in a summer streamer for surfing but the walk back to the vans getting colder! , the water still feels warm.

Water was also clear... ish and i reckon a couple of days blowing North east may clear up the North Devon coast. Whats the score with bass? Don't usually think about spearing this time of year but may be tempted in , or may drive west for some clearer waters this weekend.

... are Bass still likely to be seen?
Fished the falmouth area on Tuesday,Viz was great and whilst tracking a mullet i turned round to realise i was in a shaol of about 80 bass.All pretty small but there was a few keepers in among them.Managed to nail a couple so thats keeping my interest going.
Conditions don't look too shabby,anyone got any plans for the weekend?
I'm going to take a look locally on the north coast, I'll feedback.
Got in just after low tide as it turned. Suprised by a surfable swell! , which didn't help things for hunting 3ft viz. Ended up hunting for Crabs / Lobsters. Difficult due to the swell. 1 edible Crab which I left.

Then dumped my kit and body surfed for a while. Water in the middle of the bay cleared as the tide came in and things were looking a lot better :head . Had things to do so had to leave.
Back in today, no better Viz... different spot and worse. .. 1 - 2ft at best. No sign of Lobster. 1 Crab found but left. Spotted 1 fish, in a hole I was checking out. Was most likely a Wrasse. Has convinced me to pack my kit for the winter until next season, unless I get the chance to head west to clear waters.
I set off early for Falmouth and the Viz was great,5m no problem...bit slow to start but then i nailed a fair bass,then found a group of mullet and got one,my mate in the meantime had got a bass and two mullet,i lost a second mullet off the spear and while on the swim back came across a big shaol of bass pretty much in the same place as they were last time i was there,shot one,but the bugger got off,reloaded pretty quick sank into the weed and kinda wiggled my speartip and they all drew in again and managed a pretty small but still legal one.It was a good dive,fingers and toes all pretty numb but i'm pretty sure it might prove to be the last one of the year.