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Cressi Lince 2

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Well, today I tried the Lince and my Garas. Both Awesome!!! The Garas are the most powerful fins I've ever used. Man can I get some velocity with these things. They'll take some getting used to, but I was amazed at how fast I could get down. Real thrust. As far as the Lince goes, I am VERY satisfied. It is super comfortable and once I put it on topside and then got wet, not a single leak! Hardly used any air to pressurize it. The vis was very good I think. The view down is the strong point of this mask. Good view up. Sides could be better, but no matter! I love it! It very light weight and the seal is very soft and pliable. I don't think you can go wrong with this mask. A+
Thanks flyingshark! I'll definitely keep that in mind. I was just about to buy the Big Eyes when I saw the Lince 2. That one seems like a good compromise between the Big Eyes and the Superocchio. It's most likely a lot better than my Minima! Glad to hear that the Garas worked, too. I've heard good things about them. Enjoy, and I'll keep you guys posted as to which mask I choose.
Just want to chime in here on behalf of the matrix - lower volume and better fit than the bigeyes with phenomenal peripheral vision!
Lince2 sounds like it may give the omer alien some competition for uber low-vol spearfishing/freediving mask with good visual field.
I decided to take the plunge and order the Lince 2. I checked out the other masks, and they just look too big for my face. This one looks great. It should be here within a few days. I'll keep you posted as to how well it works. Thanks again for the recommendation flyingshark.
I got it at the Deeperblue store. The mask was amazingly well-priced and it should be here within a couple of days. I'm looking forward to it.
The new Lince 2 arrived in the mail today. The seal is very good dry, and as flyingshark said, the downward view is its strongest point. I haven't tried it in water yet, but it's a definite improvement over my other masks. I definitely prefer it, and I can't wait to get it in water.
Bad news guys. I tried the mask again later and noticed that it is too narrow for my face. The seal is great but it's not what I was hoping for. I'll probably sell this one and get a Matrix or Big Eyes.
I advocate the Matrix - just took mine in today. If it fits you it is a superb mask. the visual field is fantastic and it has lower volume and is more durable than the bigeyes. Also consider the Omer Alien - doesn't have the Matrix' peripheral vision but still a fantastic and very nice fitting mask.
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The Matrix will probably be my next choice. There's a dive shop nearby that probably stocks them, so I'll have a better chance of getting what I want. Don't get me wrong - the Lince 2 is a great mask, but my face is just a bit too broad for it.
It's best if you can try it on. The Cressi masks are a little funny that way. The bigeyes won't seal properly on me but the Matrix is fine.
Well - I grabbed up a lince2 for my son so here's my review

First thing - with my cressi matrix it often takes a bit to get it settled right on my face - it will leak slightly if, for example, you open your mouth extra wide to get that last grab of air before a dive - unless it's settled on just right. No biggy since that is an action one can do without - but it is generally sensitive to face movement. If anything it tends not to leak under pressure however. I dove awhile with it today and it is really not a problem and, like I've said - I like the 'wide-open' feeling of it's fantastic visual field.

The lince is like a scaled down version of the Matrix - it has a very narrow skirt and the silicone is proportionally thicker and less flexible. It does not fit my face very well and tends to leak at the temples. Peripheral vision is less than the Matrix by quite a bit - probably 30 degrees or so total - this is really the strong point of the matrix - particularly for spearfishing - the overall visual radius is just outstanding.

The fairest comparison for the Lince2 is the Omer Alien:

Vision: Pretty much a tie - with the lince having an insignificant advantage downward and being pretty much identical in the perphery. Upward I'd have to give to the Alien - at least in the center.

Fit: No contest - Alien has a wider, softer skirt. If you are looking at these masks get the Alien - it gloms onto your face and stays there, has a very good visual field and is more compressible than the lince2.

I think marketing the lince2 as a freediving mask is just that - marketing. It's really more like a version of the matrix for smaller faces.

I've never tried a mask as comfortable and good sealing as the Alien.
The dive shop doesn't stock Cressi anymore, but they are expecting a shipment of Omer Alien masks. The store manager thinks that the Alien will be a great mask for me, so I'll probably be back within the week to check it out. I'm still planning on selling the Lince 2 on ebay. It does seem like a good mask for narrower faces. I'm glad that I didn't order the Superocchio! It seems to get a lot of attention as a mask for smaller faces.

Fonduset would you recommend the Alien for spearfishing?
Absolutely. I compared it to the lince again last night for a bit - the Alien also has the edge in peripheral vision.

leisurepro also has very good prices online on the Alien. I have no problem recommending it - it's an absolutely excellent mask and is purpose-built for spearfishing. it has also fit everyone who's tried it here.

I have the black one - but at one point I tried the green mimetic model and, if anything, the silicone on that one is even softer! Really a first rate product.
I noticed the exact same thing regarding the softness of the silicon between the green vs black alien. I bought the black anyway. That mask has really grown on me, I started out just wearing it for short swims, now it is my primary mask for everything.

A couple of days ago I was at my usual 'fast action' spot - that is it's very easy to get to quickly when I don't have alot of time and want to spend most of it underwater. Depth is only 8-10meters max but I wanted to compare the Alien with the Matrix anyway - for comfort and leakage.

I was kind of surprised because they were both about the same. Down on the bottom - making sure to put no air into the mask - they both exert about the same pressure on my eyes - not that far down I know - but still.

At first I thought the alien had the edge in upward vision - but I was wearing it too high and it was really pulling up on my not-insubstantial nose. Rightly fit they are the same up.

Overall comfort is also about the same - as was leakage - insignificant in both cases.

The Alien is way more streamlined - as you might expect - the huge peripheral vision of the matrix greatly reduces head turning and that weird closed in feeling - especially when the sun suddenly goes behind a cloud and the deep, silent, dark-blue gloom gets that 'lookin backatch' thing going on. (I mean there really COULD be some kind a mutant sturgeon out there - oldest nuke plant in the country is only 60 miles north of here - closed down now but who knows...)

Lince2 seems to fit everybody else around here.
Yeah, apparently my face is quite wide. The mask sealed but it didn't offer the field of view that I want, so I sold it on Ebay and am searching or an Omer Alien.
Finally got to try the Lince & Matrix in a store last week. Have to agree with Fondueset, the Matrix allows greater peripheral vision than the Lince. It was also more comfortable. I was planning on getting a mimetec med Omer Alien but the Matrix is definitely in the running now -- although it seems rather pricey.
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Everybody's face is different all right, because I choose the Omer Alien to the Cressi Matrix hands down. The Alien for me was just more comfy.

I haven't tried the Alien yet -- and perhaps never will as there appears to be only 1 UK dealer and they are tucked away in the Channel Islands! (Not as bad as Rabitech though -- their distributer is in Finland land of 22% VAT! :duh ). Which is a shame, as trying on the Matrix & Lince allowed me to immediately choose between them -- you really do have to try them on.