Dudes and dudette's
I've been visiting my folks for the past week or so, I'm currently 600km away from the closest (salty) dive spot. BUT, I've been able to sneek in a couple of 10 - 15m dives in a disused quarry closeby - not many people know about it, it's on private land.
I've taken the newest pre-beta testing release mask into the water. I also took the first mask I talked about with, as well as one or two interesting modified masks that the guys had with them.
Well, as per the last time, the first mask was quite cool - it had great vision both above and below water, an extremely low volume (eyelashes touches the plate, it feels like you're pulling your eyes out when you remove them), but there was horrid mask squeeze at about 30 meters. Like real bad.
The new mask has been modified quite a bit - for example the frame has been broadened, making the rubber skirt smaller. They've also started using another type of rubber for the skirt, it's pretty cool. Result - slight squeeze at 15m (bottom unfortunately) Vision is still the same, the lenses wrap around the side of your eyes, so there's no blind corners. It's like not wearing a mask at all.
Some of the other masks were just hybrid testing things - you can't realle call them fully fledged masks. They've built one that has a built-in nose clip that can be released and closed at will, using your hand. They've hinted at a similar mask with a mouth-operation ..... they must be reading these forums as well ....
Then there's the mask with what amounts to a lense and a huge soft rubber skirt. This one was interesting .... very very comfortable, but not really practical due to squeeze. I don't think this one will see much of life ...
Then there was another one or two interesting ideas - I'm apparantly not at liberty to discuss them. Or show pictures - damn!
They're negotiating with Cressi at the moment, someone saw their masks and had to have a chat. So it might go to them. The guys don't have a huge budget to work on, so starting up a large-scale operation is a no-no. They said that they want to do some deep testing (I've mentioned my 35m dive with the old one, they've laready taken it to 70m(on scuba) so I'm thinking ... "deep testing" ??? DAMN !!!)
I'll let you guys know if and when they go into production. Or if Cressi's interested enough to buy it. And I'll see if I can steal a photo or two ... he he he