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Custom freedive wetsuit recommendations

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Greg Rothaus

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
I'm heading to Dahab, Egypt in March for a month of freedive training which I am pretty stoked about. The water there during that time is actually not that warm (70F / 21C). So, I'll need to bring a 5mm and I'm looking for recommendations on the warmest custom suits out there. Actually, they don't really HAVE to be custom, I guess. I wear a large and my proportions are pretty standard so I can fit well into many off-the-rack suits. The suit would be for freediving only and would not be used for spearfishing since I have plenty of those suits. So, if the suit is a little delicate, I won't have to worry about banging around on reefs or boats too much. If I'm going to be spending all that money for this trip, I really want to get the best wetsuit I can. Another reason I really want a good suit is because I tend to run colder than almost anyone else I dive with. Any recommendations?

Nathan provided a great recommendation in a previous post recently.
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How about a smooth skin suit from Eliossub or a partially smooth skin suit Polosub, made to measure? Or the cheaper Greek company, several forum members used?

Any wetsuit companies in Turkey? I've been pleased with my Apnea spearguns and I think their Turkish website includes wetsuits.
@Greg Rothaus do you mean to say 21C at depth or surface water temperature?
I'll be diving the blue hole in Dahab for a month and the instructor really didn't say; he just said I'll need a 5mm for the 21C water. According to what I've read, there isn't really a thermocline in the blue hole itself. I'm a 30m diver now so, if there is a thermocline down there, I won't be in it for long...:)
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I'll be diving the blue hole in Dahab for a month and the instructor really didn't say; he just said I'll need a 5mm for the 21C water. According to what I've read, there isn't really a thermocline in the blue hole itself. I'm a 30m diver now so, if there is a thermocline down there, I won't be in it for long...:)
I was trying to put it in perspective for myself, I scuba in 14-16C in 5mm wetsuit (doubled up on chest) but run a little hot. I really hope I can make time in future for freediving, I am so amazed by freedivers, I only catch some rock lobster here and there, quite shallow in fact.

I think for what you describe you are probably right to go for 5-7mm, this website has this table that aligns with both of us if you keep normal body temperature in mind:

Water TemperatureFor Warm-Blooded DiversFor Divers Prone to Cold
85 Degrees F (29 C) and AboveDive Skin2 mm to 1 mm shorty
80 to 84 Degrees (26-28 C)2 mm shorty to dive sking2 mm to 1 mm fullsuit
73 to 79 Degrees (22-25 C)3 mm fullsuit to 2 mm shorty5 mm to 3 mm fullsuit
66 to 72 Degrees (18-21 C)5 mm to 3 mm fuillsuit7 mm to 5 mm fullsuit
50 to 65 Degrees (10-17 C)8/7 mm semidry to 7 mm wetsuitDrysuit
Below 50 Degrees (Below 10 C)8/7 mm semidry or drysuitEnjoy the water from the nearest coffee shop.

We have a few wetsuit makers here in Cape Town that people are happy with but that is a bit out of your way :) !

Looking forward to your feedback after your trip
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Hi, I’d second in the Elios. I dove in Dahab last winter and was just fine with the double lined 5mm rental suit provided by Dahab Freedivers (they switch from 3mm to 5mm in winter for their rentals).

I bought an 8mm custom cell/skin from Elios and it had been extremely warm, usually hot, in the glacier fed lakes I was diving in once back in Alberta. I can’t imagine wearing a 7mm in Dahab.

I’m planning to return there this winter if I can, and have just ordered an NJN 5mm “super-stretch/skin” custom tailored from Elios. If you’re a really cold person I’d go with custom tailored and “cell” on the inside, and you’ll probably flush the suit from time to time as a way to cool off. Safe travels, enjoy!
Polosub faster service than Elios ,I no longer go to Elios to shop.,At the end of the day some people like dark chocolate the other person like white chocolate
Hi, I’d second in the Elios. I dove in Dahab last winter and was just fine with the double lined 5mm rental suit provided by Dahab Freedivers (they switch from 3mm to 5mm in winter for their rentals).

I bought an 8mm custom cell/skin from Elios and it had been extremely warm, usually hot, in the glacier fed lakes I was diving in once back in Alberta. I can’t imagine wearing a 7mm in Dahab.

I’m planning to return there this winter if I can, and have just ordered an NJN 5mm “super-stretch/skin” custom tailored from Elios. If you’re a really cold person I’d go with custom tailored and “cell” on the inside, and you’ll probably flush the suit from time to time as a way to cool off. Safe travels, enjoy!
That's great info, thank you! It's nice to know I could rent a suit there if mine got ripped or something. I'll be there for a one month mentorship and so if you have any other suggestions or advice for me on the trip, I'm all ears. Thanks again!
I was trying to put it in perspective for myself, I scuba in 14-16C in 5mm wetsuit (doubled up on chest) but run a little hot. I really hope I can make time in future for freediving, I am so amazed by freedivers, I only catch some rock lobster here and there, quite shallow in fact.

I think for what you describe you are probably right to go for 5-7mm, this website has this table that aligns with both of us if you keep normal body temperature in mind:

Water TemperatureFor Warm-Blooded DiversFor Divers Prone to Cold
85 Degrees F (29 C) and AboveDive Skin2 mm to 1 mm shorty
80 to 84 Degrees (26-28 C)2 mm shorty to dive sking2 mm to 1 mm fullsuit
73 to 79 Degrees (22-25 C)3 mm fullsuit to 2 mm shorty5 mm to 3 mm fullsuit
66 to 72 Degrees (18-21 C)5 mm to 3 mm fuillsuit7 mm to 5 mm fullsuit
50 to 65 Degrees (10-17 C)8/7 mm semidry to 7 mm wetsuitDrysuit
Below 50 Degrees (Below 10 C)8/7 mm semidry or drysuitEnjoy the water from the nearest coffee shop.

We have a few wetsuit makers here in Cape Town that people are happy with but that is a bit out of your way :) !

Looking forward to your feedback after your trip
Thanks much! It looks like I'm after the right thickness (5mm) for the water I'll be in according to that chart...
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Polosub faster?? Probably true, Ellios is not know for speed. If you have allowed enough time, the result is well worth waiting for.
Re the chart. For Elios suits, go to the thin end of the neoprene range. If you are moving around a lot, go even thinnner.

I'd go as thin as possible and take a well fitting 3 mil vest with me as insurance.
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