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Dad wants to scuba, I want to freedive... Advice?

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New Member
Oct 6, 2002
About 2 years ago, dad and I got our scuba certifications. We havent been diving since. He has proposed it a couple times, but Im not really into scuba. I dont want him to go by himself, and I thought scuba would be a good way for us to spend some time together.
I dont like scuba, because, to me, it feels so restrictive. I can remember I was paranoid and hyperventilating throughout the whole open water session. I used up air twice as fast as everyone else. Maybe with a little more practice, ill be more calm...
Now, I found a new spot, about 40 minutes away. I told him, and he started asking about scuba gear rentals.

What do you think I should do? Just tough it out, and go scuba diving, or see if we can find some dive buddies at the local club? If I could find another fediver in that group, I dont think there would be much of a problem....

Any advice?

Thanks in advance,
I think I would go scuba diving with my dad.
These hyperventilation quickly comes down once you gain experience and trust. I find my scuba dives more rewarding due to the differend mindset and peace I've gained through Freediving. I use my big Cressi HF2000's for scuba too, much better fins. Chances are your dad wants to try some freediving in time thanks to your inspirering calmnes under water.

Ciao, and have fun!


Wishing that he had a dad who would dive with him.
Hey Patrick :)
Dont worry about feeling nervous with scuba, loadsa people get that and some cant even go through the training, so you'll be OK. Find a nice shallow dive site with lots to see and just have a couple of dives and I promise you that you will settle down and enjoy it after a couple of dives. But heres the thing! When you have finished the scuba dive, get your dad back in the water for some basic snorkelling, then with time you will both come to see the best of both worlds. Its always worth joining a club though, for the obvious reasons, wider base of knowledge, more dive buddy's, gear and most importantly safety.
Make getting comfortable with scuba a challenge. Like Kars said

"I find my scuba dives more rewarding due to the differend mindset and peace I've gained through Freediving"

Enjoy the time spent with your father.

Try and find a freediving buddy online you want to dive with people who are passionate about it like you.

Good Luck !
Thanks for the advice guys!
Our target spot has a max depth of 50', and has 5 boat wrecks and even a sunken bus! Should be fun. Its also stocked with fish, so dad can go fishing, while i do some shallow freediving (nothing more than 25' to be safe). Then dad can get suited up and spot me on some deeper freedives, then we can scuba after that.
I think it will be a great time for all!
It doesn't work to well when one freedives and the other is Scuba diving. My son and I tried it this weekend. Our Bouyancies were totally different and I found it next to impossible to communicate, plus it was hard to stick together, especially with poor visibility. We found it quite frustrating and won't be doing it again.
I don't think he means his dad would spot him on scuba - I think he means wetsuit/mask/fins/snorkel.
That is what I meant, but I dont know if Il do that now... We'll see...

We're going to the scuba park tomorrow. I cant wait, cause this is going to be alot of fun!
you don't want to get lazy too early in life by taking up scuba :)
Just got back.

The diving was great! I enjoyed both scuba and freediving equally. I set my first official PB at 20 ft (6.6m) I know thats not very spectacular, but its a start. I think next time I need to find a shady spot to do breathe-up exercises. I didnt get to do any today, because of lack of open shady spots, so you had to jump in the water pretty quickly... But still, Im happy. It gave mme something to work for.

My 20 ft dive was to a suspended platform. They are in about 30-40 ft of water, but are held at 20ft by 2 large metal tanks. THe wreks are pretty accesible too, at about 15ft. All in all a good day! Dad enjoyed it too!
You're going to reapeat it? Nice, really nice. I just whish my dad would giv it a try, but he is scared of by the "hocus Spokus" and doesn't know what fun depth can be. He feels he is just "to big, to adult". I remeber snorkeling with him in Spain, Denia. He mostly stayed affloat, with a occasionally dive to fish. Those were shot ones. I liked to dive to 4-6m to see the fish from up close, and just being there. The next holiday we had one year of scuba lessons and took our suits, outside flippers lead with us. And I remember I dived to about 6-10 meters. Where the suit lost al his floating qualities, and I was much heavier then water. I could stand on the bottom! First I got a bit scared, of the effort needed to come back up again. But the depths kept luring. I cannot wait to dive again in these clear blue miditerainian waters next summer!

A line to dive allong would be very nice, this way you can pull your self up in case you've overshot yourself a bit. And if equalisation is difficult you can slowly progress an pull youself down, find the inner peace by holding on en look inside you body to see what's hapening, learning how it feels, giving in to the feelings. I find that learning to accept the new depts is vital for equalisation, as I went deeper my tommy locks up, and I just slow down, feel, accept it and let it relax, then I've plenty of air to continiou equilising.

I think it would be wise to find a freedive buddy, and follow together a course to learn techniques, and the rescueing. I know it's difficult but it's also very important.

Love and Peace,


ps, Hey it's my 100st post!:) :hmm :cool: :p
Hi Patrick... I wish I had a dad who cares about the Blue :) I once snorkeled (BTW, in Denia too, Kars) with him
and told me that 'that fins are only for strong and young guys like you' and left me in the water alone hehe :) At least he tried. The same with hiking, biking...
So... enjoy that time with him for the rest of us :)
Tell him about Jaques Mayol... the japanese ama's, Anabel, and all the older folks in the world of freediving.

Learning is mostly about learning to trust your body, feel the body. Just move like the bigger fish, deliberate and slow.
It's not a "sport" to be the fastest, and for many other boundries like deepest, longest etc. are not persued.

Maybe his fins were to stiff ;) most likely he misunderstood the goal :)

Enjoy your time with dad, the greatest gift you can give him.

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