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For Sale Dano w/ MAKO Spearguns: on world records and pole spear resting hooks

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Mar 22, 2009
Hey Guys,

I would like to share some information with you about pole spear resting hooks.


While testing my MAKO Carbon Elite Roller Pole Spear under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, I shot what appeared to be a world record Sheepshead.

While I’m more into the shooting and eating of my fish, I thought it was cool, marked the fish and jumped back in the water.

On my next dive, I shot a bigger one. So, what the heck, two dives, two World Record Fish, can’t be bad for pole spear sales.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I finally got around to submitting them on the IUSA website and…NO GO!

Right on the front page of the IUSA website is the following statement:

IUSA has updated the rule D(2) regarding eligible sling/pole spear gear as follows:

The spear must be charged by muscle power. The charge held in place by hand and released by hand release only. No mechanical trigger release or holding mechanism is allowed to be used or to be on the pole spear or sling.

And, notice the last part of the last sentence. The vis at the bottom was only 1 meter which is where these big guys like to hang out. At 3 feet of visibility, you barely have time to aim and shoot. So, I wasn’t even using it. However, because it was on my pole spear, the fish cannot be submitted.

So, although I am in the business of selling dive gear, including pole spear resting hooks, you should know.

Pole spear resting hooks are totally legal. But, if you shoot a WR fish, and one is on your pole spear it cannot be submitted.

On a side note, the MAKO Pole spear resting hooks are super popular because they can be installed and removed without tools. So, after shooting the first fish, I could have easily removed the resting hook. However, I’ve been hunting with a pole spear for over 50 years. So, what are the chances, I shoot another WR fish on the same day?

Overall, it was a bitchin day! Lots of fish and the best dive buddies in the world.


Roller pole spear resting hook


Conventional pole spear resting hook

Dive safe,
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