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DB Contest News!!

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

icarus pacific

Nov 7, 2001
Hey all! Yep, you read it right! DB has seen the light and given me, Sven, DB's collector of positive Karma and all things wet and right, full rein to have some fun and all at DB's expense. So here's the deal...

Once a month there will be a contest of one sort or another under the new forum heading "Contests"! Can you believe I get my own Forum heading? :cool: And it gets better! DB is footing the tab for the prizes! And since your Sultan of Smooth isn't about to pass out just any crap for your efforts, the prizes come direct from the DB merchandise shelves. Can you say "SWEET!"? DB T's and coffee mugs can be yours just for entering and having fun. :D

New here, had a bad fill, or have those statics in front of the screen made things a bit fuzzy? No prob, here's how it works... I'll open the thread with a photo to which you reply with a witty, hilarious and dare I say, dry caption or phrase. Hell, you clowns with Photoshop can get after it as well. A panel of select judges, adept at weeding out the chaff, the lame and the unfunny will convene and declare the winner. These judges are the coolest!; afterall, they are my kids.:inlove

I'll promise to make the photos funny, if you promise to try and remember that this place is a family show.:ycard Anything waaay off -colour will get 86'd and a little love note sent to you to get a clue. How? Well... the head cheese here has given me Mentor-type status. (Manomanoman, is he in for it!:blackeye) But as you can see, I'm about the yuks, chuckles and ++Karma so I'll do my part to keep you clowns, newbies, wannabes, Euro gun :girlie owners, and competition apnea/spearos' laughing.

The contests will run for three weeks time, and then we'll take a week off to recharge and clean our undies before the festivities begin anew. And whilst your gaining your wits, you can review whats going on at the DB store. Didn't I tell you this was a sweet deal?

So stay tuned. I'm putting together a few images for your entertainment as I type. Get your funny bones polished up and let's have some fun. Check out the last couple of caption contests in the threads and get set!

sven - DB's Competition guru :king
Congratulations , oh Master of Mirth :king
Looking forward to your first endeavour in your own dominion Dammit : need a smiley for "green with envy ";)
Congrats on the lateral promotion Sven ;)
I expect to win all sorts of prizes this year.
How's things in Sventown? Give me a ring oh Smooth One.
Erik Y.
Oh CompoGuru...

Your now moved to your new home in Contest Town. Only you (or mentors) can start new threads in here, however everyone should be able to reply to their hearts content.

All we await is for the first installment.

wow, now we just have to wait till hell freezes over? :confused: :D rofl

i'd have to embellish the fact that you seem quite hypo-karma-cal these days. has the sultan of DB actually gone soft and totally pro-karma? or, are you just giving a last ditch attempt to earn a spot within the pearly gates? :D

are we photoshop-junkies still invited to play, or are you going to make the rules more stringent? i'm not sure if i could provide decent competition if i actually had to play fair. :confused: :D

remember this when you're kids are reviewing my entries... there are a couple of king sized beds for some of the people joining the keys kraze krew next march, and those people will be selected by aquiles and i. wow, a king size bed for your very own... how comfy. zzz

i'm ready, mr. new thread owner!

Hell freezes over??

Hey, you're the pud saying you're going to post the recipes on your site, send the shirts and the reel...:naughty

Way to score some pre comp points! That bedroom better have a deadbolt...zzz

yeah, yeah. :D

shirts are in the mail, the qban's sending the reel, and the recipes are waiting for my home pc to get online. it's been over a month since it's been down. :( the computer, that is. :D

and, if yer gonna post some more pics of women's bedroom apparel, make sure you take off the price tags so you can persuade people to believe that they actually came from a real female! :D

I'm out the door in an hour to p/u the pics and then got to get the scanner heated up... figure end of the day, manana... Thing is, with a 3 week opening, I was thinking the beginning of the month would work, but seeing as we all have sooo much time on our hands...

sven, you never cease to amaze me...

now, with your own forum...what is this world comming to>?

(i knew that leaving for 3 weeks would keep me out of touch but still, were talking about sven having his own forum:D )

Yesterday I received DB T-shirt I'd won in the first caption contest :D
I want to thank again to Sven for organizing such contests and all the DB staff for supplying prizes.

P.S.: And when I'll win next time, I want coffee mug please. :thankyou
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Reactions: Octo
Acknowledgement & Appreciation!

Thank you for the reminder Vadouch!

I was stoked to see the prize was other than a phatdive t-shirt. This is a great place to be able to spew the twisted contents of our waterlogged minds. This section may keep IP sane this winter during the rainy season. Thanks again for your work and time to make this happen.

Variation on an Icarus Pac idea: what do you folks think of signing and sending around one DB t-shirt to the worldwide DB dive sessions (instead of the greasy lunchbag we used at the first Ab-Grab)? We could take and post group pics of the shirt and send it to the next dive location. After it has been around and has been signed by folks from all over the planet (Iyadiver cannot wear it to sleep in), we send it to Great Britan for display and he can then post a pic to show where it gets displayed - no stephen, not as a seat cover for your car. :naughty :D


We find a person of the female persuasion that looks stunning in a bikini of limited size and fabric, send her around to all of us, with a camera!

The mind reels... :cool:

Concrete Evidence...

Yep, proof of the twisted and waterlogged...:girlie
September Contest

What, you gotta life or something? Please post the new contest thread before I gotta go and do some work at work.:D


Originally posted by andrsn

and, if yer gonna post some more pics of women's bedroom apparel, make sure you take off the price tags so you can persuade people to believe that they actually came from a real female! :D


(Thought you were going to say, if yer going to post some more pics of women's bedroom apparel, make sure yer not wearing them)rofl

Just kidding Sven:D
as i am quite sad and unfunny i cant wait to set a benchmark for the caption contest.will it involve any sort of thinking or cleverness,if not bring it on.!!my wife said i was a funny bugger the other day and what she says goes believe me.
My Wife believes too!;)

Does anyone have word from The Sultan of Smooth?:confused:
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