I thought that i might as well make a start. We went spearing on saturday at Struisbaai. This is the southern most tip of Africa, supposedly where the two oceans, indian and atlantic, meet. (Not Cape Point in Cape Town as most people are led to believe!!!). Struisbaai is about 2hrs drive from Cape Town and is the home of Yellowtail (seriola llalandi, i think).
We launched at Struisbaai harbour at about 7:00 the morning and ran out to the wreck of the Oriental Pioneer which is situated about 3km outside the harbour in about 13m water. There was a strong current ripping and the water was 21degrees with a thermocline at about 7m. Viz was really bad 4-5m so after two dives we left. Next stop the wreck of the Wafra which is 4km away from the Pioneer. This whole area is very productive and you tend to look for the pinnacles and then drop a marker bouy onto the pinnacles. The boat then drops you up current and depending on how strong the current is you drift 1-2km's before the boat picks you up again. We arrived at the Wafra only to find about 40 boats fishing there, so we simply watched them and had breakfast in the meantime. At about 10:00 the boats generally head home and you have the reefs all to yourselves. Whilst waiting, we met up with some other spearo's who were on their way home. Their catch, 2 Yellowtail (known locally as 'tail) and a Great White. They were buzzed by a white of about 4m and the shark stayed with them for a while. They then decided to call it quits. Fortunately this was about 5km further to sea and we were a bit worried, but when we did get in it was much better. 15m viz in places, water depth ranging from 13-27m. We all had shark shields on as well as powerheads and made sure the boat stayed close by at all times. Let the spearing begin!!!
Loads of small baitfish and reef fish but very little 'tail. I did see a school on the bottom at 18m but they refused to come closer in. Also saw 2 fish in the 15-20kg class, at the bottom in 27m water. I was at 22m (as per my D3), and those fish were just too deep for me!!!(need to practice

) Did shoot some smaller pelagics. Fish called sangoras, which looks like a small trevally, they weigh 2-4kg's. Really tasty, but very stupid fish. They would swim up to you on the surface and when they're directly below you they turn on their side so they can see you better!!! Easy shooting, like i said

. I only shot 1 for the pan. Saw two schools of 'tail right at the bottom but they refused to come closer. was looking to be one of those days..........
Viz started deteriorating to about 7-8m, current started ripping, and the 2m swell with a fresh wind started making being on sea unpleasant. We decided on one last drift. On my first drop to the bottom, in 18m water, a school of 'tail come in, and i manage to stone a 11kg 'tail. i then slowly swm back up to the surface pulling the fish and the rest of the school with me. At the surface i screamed 'tail, and my buddies both dived down and managed also to get one each from the school. Now things started to get interesting. With all this commotion, the school was at the surface now, and i see a couple of 15kg's+ bruisers swimming around. I was right next to the boat and asked the buggy boy for my reel gun (well more like shouted for it!!!). My second gun is a 115cm Rabitech Carbon apex with rabitech reel. Well, the buggy boy hands me my buddies gun, a 1.1m Picasso with reel. I load anyways and get a good shot into a 15kg+ fish. He drags me around a bit, and then the unthinkable happens, the reel jams.....arrgggghhhhhhhh.......fish eventually pulled out:waterwork . Irony of it all is that the picasso reel gun was my gun which i sold to my buddy because the reel also jammed on a 10kg 'tail last year:waterwork .
Anyways, by now my one buddy has his fish in the boat and the second is struggling to get his fish under control. (was his first 'tail) I swam over to my float and pulled up my now dead fish. Grabbed the fish by the gills and went to assist my buddy. He got his fish under control and got into the boat. But by now i had drifted about 10m away from the boat and realised that my fish was pumping out blood from its gills. So there i was in a cloud of blood in GW territory down current from the boat. The 2minutes it took the boat to get to me felt like an eternity!!!
After all the action we decided to make another drift. Big mistake. We were hardly in the water when a 4m GW came to say hello. Powerheads on, and screaming for the boat.........not fun:naughty
Mental note: don't ever get into the boat with-out switching your sharkshield off. Gives you a good couple of shocks
End of dive. Ended up with a 11kg , 8kg and 6kg 'tail, some smaller bank fish and some sangoras. All in all the day turned out ok. Weather looks good for this weekend. Can't wait to get back there. There's a 20kg 'tail with my name on it..........
Will post the pic's as soon as its developed.