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DeepSeaSki's spicy beer battered grouper

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Apr 7, 2008
Hello to all!! The first of hopefully many cooking recipes, here it is. Get some grouper, I had Malebar (gray/brown w/ yellow spots) and fillet it. Be sure to thuroughly scale it. Make your steaks about 4" x 4". Rinse the steaks in beer. Crack six egg yolks into a bowl and add a 1/2 a bottle of beer. Stir this up well. Pat the fillets dry. In a bowl make a dry mix of yellow indian curry, saffron, ground black pepper, and coarse salt. Coat the steaks in the dry rub. Bring olive or sunflower oil to a high heat in a frying pan. Mince up 3 cloves of garlic and toss the garlic into the pan. To this add 1 tablespoon of whole black pepper corns. Dip the fish in the beer batter and make sure they're covered. Check the garlic and be sure it didn't burn (garlic will make everything bitter if it burns), drop the grouper in and let it sizzle!!! Depending on the size of your pan you can get somewhere between 4 to 6 fillets going at a time. Flip them once (only once, like a good porterhouse) and cook the other side. Serve hot, garnished with fresh lemon and lime. This meal is accompanied very well with rice and black beans, cold beer or semi-sweet white wine (Early season north Rhine Rheisling, or if your on the east coast the Governor's White from Williamsburg Winery). I'm going to try to attach some pics of the last batch I did. Enjoy.
DeepSeaSki :friday


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Reactions: Oldsarge and podge
Gracias amigo. It took me a little while but I think I've got posting and attaching pics figured out. I'm out.
Alex looks and sounds spot on mate, cant get Grouper over here (well not yet but you never know with a bit more global warming) so I’ll give it a go with some Mullet.
Alex looks and sounds spot on mate, cant get Grouper over here (well not yet but you never know with a bit more global warming) so I’ll give it a go with some Mullet.

WTF!!!??? What happened to all the spicy red pepper critique??? roflroflrofl
Thanks Podge. Did you get in the water this past weekend? Any luck? I went with my buddies on saturday, but we came back empty handed. Alas, I had spaghetti. I think that this recipe will work well with mullet. I personal love fried mullet, I grew up with it down south in Pensacola, Florida. Mullet is usually thin when it gets filleted so be carefull not to let it burn. Take it easy.
WTF!!!??? What happened to all the spicy red pepper critique??? roflroflrofl

Now, now my good man not all things need to be pepped up, as it is this seems pretty much, well there. You’re a man of taste what do you think?:)
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Reactions: Marwan
Wow! Would you mind if I shared this with the rest of the Neptunes? I don't have any current recipes and this one looks first rate. After all, it has beer . . .
Ahh Man, that looks fricken awesome! Next time I get an Uku or a Mu Im going to try this one out. I do think this has been the first time I have heard safron and beer batter in the same reciperofl

Thanks for the recipe!
By all means Sarge please do share this with anyone who would like it. I ask only one thing with all of my recipes.... if you put it in a cook book please list my name for the recipe. My given Christian name is John A. Grabowski but my friends call me Alex; please put me in as Alex Grabowski if it goes to print. I'm happy to hear that others will be cooking this up, I hope all of the Neptunes enjoy!
Take it easy,
DeepSeaSki aka Alex
Blaiz man Howzit Bra!!! Ohhhh so Ono!! You know Da Kine. One fish, one season, one beer, one good time bra!! I go before one Tita come knock me out for raid all Heineken!!!
Blaiz man Howzit Bra!!! Ohhhh so Ono!! You know Da Kine. One fish, one season, one beer, one good time bra!! I go before one Tita come knock me out for raid all Heineken!!!

Needs a little work but not bad!rofl:friday
By all means Sarge please do share this with anyone who would like it. I ask only one thing with all of my recipes.... if you put it in a cook book please list my name for the recipe. My given Christian name is John A. Grabowski but my friends call me Alex; please put me in as Alex Grabowski if it goes to print. I'm happy to hear that others will be cooking this up, I hope all of the Neptunes enjoy!
Take it easy,
DeepSeaSki aka Alex

Be not afraid. I'm a trained historian and I always cite my sources.
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