Thanks Eric,
I think you've just opened a door of discovery for me.
When I've been filling my mouth with air (as you taught me during our telephone conversation) I'm NOT using the Frenzl. I'm still blowing with Val Salva. The reason is that I didn't get it to work following your procedure. I got as far as control of epiglotis, and soft pallete, but never (yet) got to pop my ears on dry land, using my tongue as a piston. Perhaps I need to keep trying.
Interesting to note that you keep the pressure constantly with your tongue. I may try to keep the pressure constant with val salva, until I get the tongue, piston action sorted. That alone should stop me getting 'behind' and missing an equalisation. If I don't miss an equalisation, 65 is a breeze. I really need to make this consistent, so that I know on a given day how deep I can go with confidence. I'm also deliberately consolidating each step before pushing ahead. This, like all sports I hope, will build solid, repeatable performances and progressive experience and adaption.
I also assume that the goggles will give me another 10 or 15 metres, however, I won't use them on the sled until I can't equalise any further with a mask.
Incidentally, Eric, I have not had a chance to try those goggles out yet. I'm worried about chlorinated water. I'll do it this week and get straight back to you. Your last email indicates I might need to do a little work to get them set up right for myself, I'll know by the start of next week, how it is. I'm pretty confident that I can make them work for me so please email me those details, which we discussed.
I've been doing some empty lung training in a 4m pool. I couldn't get to a point of not being able to equalise, so I forced every last drop of air out and went to the bottom for 30 seconds. I did this 10 times, and wished I hadn't...ouch! What's the best way to do this in 4m. I figured that spending time down would train my bloodshift. Perhaps it was too much too soon. Also, I have the use of a hyperbaric chamber. I know Heimo used one to good effect...any advice on how to determine a dive profile in a pot to train my bloodshift. Heimo did 100 metres for 5 minutes, but I guess he built up to it.
Will start to experiment with the ideas you offered on diet, seems to make a lot of sense.
Thanks for your continuing advice, I'll put a review and link up on my site regarding the goggles, once I've tried them out properly.
Got to sleep now, I've stretched myself to bits today

Bye for now,