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disillusioned with the UK spearo scene?

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Mar 17, 2004
Hi UK spearo's
With some recent upset in the UK spearo scene, the has been some talk amoungst the northen spearo's of a breakaway organisation that will repersent you! Not some southern self interested group that exists to look after the interests of a few compeition driven types but the acceptance of spearfishing into mainstream uk sports.
So far we have in the last few days found about 20 like minded folks who have shown an interest in forming an alternative to the BSFA.
Could any UK srearo's who are interested also show that interest or disinterest here, we do not wish to be in opposition to the BSFA but only to provide a more nation wide alternative
Hi I think you should form "groups" Scotland, Midland, Wales Southeast, Southwest, but still remain under "one banner" for you will have more clout if this government or the next decide to ban it under blood sports.
As for bring your problems to this well run group I think it is a no no maybe those interested should e-mail you in a private massage as I don't think we should air our problems here for the world to see lets sort them out in our backyard and I'm sure the members here don't want to read our problems
Since the upset as you call it I have decided to have nothing to do with BSA or the forum I'm not into competitions so I will do my own thing on my own and if I require any help I will post here at least I do get a repose to questions that I ask without all the backbiting or stabbed in the back when I tried to help another member.
Whatever you decide I do wish you well and Great Success
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Well I'm not sure what to do or think, no, I think your right that we shouldnt do our dirty washing in the open. If you've read that lot in the last couple of hours, there is a wonderfull post from teabag (barkin name :) ), where he proposes a socially driven organisation, a days spearing and a BBQ at the end, no competitions :D
Ive had some contact with Pastor over the last couple of days, so I suppose Im in cahoot with him and am in favour of the social idea of teabags along with promoting the shoot to eat school of thought. I'd be really interested to hear off all you UK spearo's for your thoughts on this matter. Im not sure how far this will be taken so the more input the better please :)
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I have very clear-cut opinions on spear-fishing and competition!
Its a very bad thing!
Spearfishing competitions are about catching fish for the sake of catching fish and little else. Competitions often entail absolute disregard for conservation of the marine environment. Competitions are judged negatively in the court of public opinion and damage the public's already limited acceptance of spearfishing and its community. Competitions may encourage dangerous freediving practice. Competitors don't always eat all the fish they shoot.

I have similar feelings about the pursuit of world records (its a competitve activity that is similarly problematic)

The community is more likely to thrive in the abscence of competitions. Spear only what you will eat, give a thought for the future of spearfishing and the marine environment.

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Yup, even if the fish are big, there is way to much to be eaten at one go, maybe Im lucky living on the beach front but I dont even freeze my fish (except fish cakes), if I dont catch I'll eat chicken or something, its no problem.
Your quite right when you say "Competitions are judged negatively in the court of public opinion and damage the public's already limited acceptance of spearfishing and its community" there is probably no other time when spearfishing becomes so widely noticed by the public and its the time when probably most fish are caught, even inedible ones such as wrasse (Dont anyone tell me that they are not shot, I'll call you a liar because I saw them at Bognor), this really is not IMO the best way to promote the sport in the UK
hi guys,

as you know, i'm all for ethical spearing.

who fancies an event in dorset before the warm weather goes?

sorry if this alienates spearos from up north way, we could do another your way soon.

i'm thinking christchurch bay, dorset?
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Hi TeaBag,

I am all for BBQ+spearing... I have been dreaming of BBQ and a campfire evening after some serious spearing in muddy water from where I have managed to get one fish to eat.. would be wonderful to share experiences right there and then and grill well earned fish!

Dorset.... Where is that? I am sure it is right close by here... I am in Exeter.. count me in for a day of fishing! can someone give me a ride??

Love the idea! more socially oriented spearo group sounds like the kind of thing to do!!! Mucho carma to TeaBag..

Safe diving!

Hey welcome aboard Teabag (thats a way cool name ;) ) Go ahead and hold your event, dont worry about alienating us Northeners :) I hope it goes well and is fun too, keep us posted :D
I posted a thread about ethics of spearfishing a few months back - there wasn't much response from the UK.

I'm all for promoting ethical spearing in the UK - but is an organisation the best way of going about it. To be honest, after years of being involved in national underwater hockey and freediving organisations - I simply can't be bothered. I educate the public where necessary, but forming a body would be a step too far for me.

Interesting hearing these comments from the other side of the ditch!
Here in Ireland there used to be a big spearo scene up until the 80's and then it seemed to die off.
there was actually comps in the South west where I am.
now.... my friends and I numbering 5-7 are probably the few remaining spearos in Ireland. I approached the Irish Underwater Council which is affiliated to CMAS and asked about the possibility of sending a team to the european champs ,sponsorship etc
the response I got was almost as if I had asked to reinstate whaling!
I believe that the spearfishing community in the British Isles needs to educate the general populace about the sport of spearing.
By this I mean if you come out of the water and someone is staring at you explain your actions, In a positive manner.
explain to them how it is just the same as someone fishing with a rod and reel but just more selective.
If you put your point across in this manner than maybe peoples attitudes will change albeit slowly.
I realise that some dyed-in-the-wool greenie/scubies may still object to the idea of spearfishing and that no amount of arguments will change their minds but they are but a few.
remember people judge us by our actions and deeds not words.

To be judged by our actions is the best way to make the sport socially acceptable, with as you say a few words along the way. I just dont see how the publics view of your average competition weigh in is ever going to be changed, what with 20 - 30 spearo's all walking about with their catch hanging on their stringers, a fair pecentage of it looking like it will never be eaten, like Wrasse, tiny Pouting and miniscule Pollock. Im no expert on the competition front I do admit but I saw one as I said earlier and was shocked at the negative response from the public. If they are all the same as that, I'm sure they will do more damage to our sports image than a lifetimes worth of spearo's going about their usuall fishing activities, or a group of social types discretely taking their catch off the beach and having a good barbie and a laugh. I dont know how competitions are viewed in other parts of the world but "everyone" I have spoken to about them are against them. Maybe its time that the BSA had a review on they're position regarding them (just a thought)! ;)
Have you considered a "one fish only" form of competition? That's what the Neptune Blue Water Meet each year is. Yeah, it is competition but selective? Man! Imagine what it must be like to let a 30 lb. yellowtail go because you suspect that one of the other guys has already got a 32 and you need a 33!
Thats a cool idea Sarge :) but I fear that the more unscruplous would still shoot everything in sight then keep the best fish and dump the rest. Fishing here in the UK isnt that good to be honest, sure there are wrasse always around just sat there or trying to impale themselves on your spear in a lemming like way ;) but the damn things are all but inedible, good fish arent that common; Ive seen a dozen double figure Bass in a single day then nothing for weeks, thats how it goes here sometimes, so I think it would be that way :(
Just for me anyway, I would rather go home having had a fun day with nothing to show for it than to have shot a fish I cant eat
I would be interested in forming a group for spearos in the Northern part of the UK. I found some of the members on the last forum very helpful e.g. regarding Kayak, venues etc. I am also in favour of social spearing. I have reservations about competition spearfishing.:)
Originally posted by Alison
"Competitions are judged negatively in the court of public opinion and damage the public's already limited acceptance of spearfishing and its community" there is probably no other time when spearfishing becomes so widely noticed by the public and its the time when probably most fish are caught, even inedible ones such as wrasse (Dont anyone tell me that they are not shot, I'll call you a liar because I saw them at Bognor), this really is not IMO the best way to promote the sport in the UK [/B]

Wrasse is extremely tasty if shot at the right size and prepared properly -- don't shoot green, try the orange or red coloured ones instead.

Do not cook whole -- remove the skin and fillet them and try fry it on the pan, I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprised. For the record -- I don't shoot them personally but I know people who do and they enjoy them immensely. On the other hand, I loathe seeing people putting nets down only to fill the beach with carcasses of dead wrasse as they believe they are not good eating or of use for anything -- they make good lobster pot bait too and are great for soups.

People saying wrasse don't make good eating just haven't eaten any that were given the time and care to be prepared properly, if they had then they wouldn't believe they don't make good eating. Bit disgusting to shoot them though -- there's no sport in it, they're as tame as housepets and might as well be kissing the tip of your spear during your aspetto.

Far from inedible....
Northerners and southerners aren't as different as they like to think in my experience. If you want a politically-oriented spearo org though(yuk! :waterwork) -- you could always start something like "Red Rope" -- the left-leaning/socialist climbing/outdoor organisation. Seems a bit sad if you feel that you can only socialize with people with similar beliefs/backgrounds though.

Spearo competitions are not my cup of tea - but it takes all sorts. It would be bad if fish went uneaten, the area became "fished out" or there was adverse public feeling. I would hesitate to "cast the first stone" though. For example, the competition I read about recently, took place spread over 7-14 miles of coast and they iced-down all the fish for eating afterwards -- and the locals were clearly joining in and having a great time. Considerably more eviromentally friendly & better than a Euro-trawler scouring the seabed :vangry, ships hoovering the seabed to make feed for fish farms and Russian factory ships harvesting fish for fertilizer. :rcard
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I'd forgotten about this :) Ah well :(
The final outcome of that was a group of Jojn Smiths, Tetley and Theakstons Old Perculiar drinkers coming down to Anglesey for the weekend last year for a couple of days fishing and a couple of BBQ parties;this year a week in Anglesey and a week on the Isle of Man this June for some fishing and Basking Shark watching. Next year we are off to Ireland to show the locals how to have a good time :D
Alison said:
I'd forgotten about this :) Ah well :(
The final outcome of that was a group of Jojn Smiths, Tetley and Theakstons Old Perculiar drinkers coming down to Anglesey for the weekend last year for a couple of days fishing and a couple of BBQ parties;this year a week in Anglesey and a week on the Isle of Man this June for some fishing and Basking Shark watching. Next year we are off to Ireland to show the locals how to have a good time :D
You'll have your work cut out for you Alison :friday !
Be sure to let us know when you are coming over.
Alison said:
a group of Jojn Smiths, Tetley and Theakstons Old Perculiar drinkers

Not so different afterall -- hmm Old Pec :p (more a meal than a drink), Tetleys :friday.
Southerners might add Gales Ales, 6X (on a good day), Flowers or Tinners Ales.

Hard to beat a pint of Tetleys though (or a cuppa Tetleys for that matter ;) )[Happy memories: pints of Tea at Grindleford Caf in the Peak District, Socialist Republic of South Yorksire; Pints of Old Pec. up on the Yorkshire Moors].
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seamunki said:
You'll have your work cut out for you Alison :friday !
Be sure to let us know when you are coming over.
Somehow I doubt it too :) but Im sure we will have fun trying :)

Mr X: Red wine girl myself or some ice cold lager :) - The Worlds Largest Community Dedicated To Freediving, Scuba Diving and Spearfishing


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