Was wanting to get my girlfriend into freediving/spearing...but the viz here in Charleston is VERY hit or miss, and even at it's best is not good.
My next suggestion would be Florida's west coast.
I've got all the gear for her to use and basically need some info. on the some decent viz at a semi-shallow depth...no more than 20 or 30 feet.
I want to ease her into the sport as gently as possible and I think some warm water with good viz and plenty of fish to look at should do the trick.
I would go ahead and take a trip to the keys, but I'm just a poor college kid so I'll take whatever advice is thrown at me.
Thanks everyone
My next suggestion would be Florida's west coast.
I've got all the gear for her to use and basically need some info. on the some decent viz at a semi-shallow depth...no more than 20 or 30 feet.
I want to ease her into the sport as gently as possible and I think some warm water with good viz and plenty of fish to look at should do the trick.
I would go ahead and take a trip to the keys, but I'm just a poor college kid so I'll take whatever advice is thrown at me.
Thanks everyone