Well, it's been a long time and I can provide a little more information on how the two divynicell floats work with large tuna, wahoo, amberjacks and some other nice fish.
My largest tuna caught with the small float has been 120Kg or around 256Lbs. I have also taken 100Kg, 88Kg, 85Kg, 78Kg and some smaller ones with the same float. I have also lost a few others due to tear or equipment break.
The largest tuna actually never went down and swam on the surface the whole time, dragging me out to open ocean for about 500 meters, same thing happened with a 75Kg tuna speared a few years ago. The others acted normaly and went straight down.
When the tuna go down, the board dissapears at the very most 10 or 20 seconds and comes straight back up. Since the samll float has been sufficient to land the tuna, I have not used the large board and I'm about to cut it in half and make two boards out of that one.
On a recent trip I lost a very large tuna because the bungie got entangled with the chum bag on the back of the float and the tuna pulled the board flat down. The swivel couldn't take it and broke. I have also lost some tuna due to tear. The board might provide too much drag and that is another reason I'm cutting the large board in two more streamlined floats.
The boards trail behind you very well while diven but can't be towed behind the boat because they go submarine.
110 and 120 Kg tunas
120 Kg
88 & 40sh Kg