OK this comes out of my recent ponderings over which way to go for my float and carrying the various bit's of kit.
I currently use a standard inflatable orange float with clips, flag, strobe light, stringer and limited adjustment of the float line. However as we have been debating the options on floats (over in the Guernsey 08 thread)- and what would be good to include on a 'new' one, I came to the conclusion that [for me] the current setup is good. However looking forward to future trips, I figure it could be good to get out further from the shore, quickly... and hence a canoe seems logical. I already have a couple of plastic sit-on canoes and they are toooo heavy! So my idea is to make a mould and then make a sit-on.
I have so far only just started working this out, but would be keen to get other peoples advice and ideas; I've read through the (long and interesting) thread on sit-on canoes elsewhere on DB, however this is more about "what if I could build features into it" rather than mods/kit for existing canoes.
A couple of essentials: must be lightweight - one-handed carry or on a shoulder like a waveski is carried. Weight budget approx 8kg.
Fishbox in the bow, see picture below.
Stable, suitable for novice paddler.
I'd be interested to know from people with sit-on's what they would suggest for a new spearo sit-on.
I've included a low transom to make it easier to pull yourself on - rather than over the side. Immersed volume as shown is 100 Litres.
Here's some pictures of where I've got to so far...
I currently use a standard inflatable orange float with clips, flag, strobe light, stringer and limited adjustment of the float line. However as we have been debating the options on floats (over in the Guernsey 08 thread)- and what would be good to include on a 'new' one, I came to the conclusion that [for me] the current setup is good. However looking forward to future trips, I figure it could be good to get out further from the shore, quickly... and hence a canoe seems logical. I already have a couple of plastic sit-on canoes and they are toooo heavy! So my idea is to make a mould and then make a sit-on.
I have so far only just started working this out, but would be keen to get other peoples advice and ideas; I've read through the (long and interesting) thread on sit-on canoes elsewhere on DB, however this is more about "what if I could build features into it" rather than mods/kit for existing canoes.
A couple of essentials: must be lightweight - one-handed carry or on a shoulder like a waveski is carried. Weight budget approx 8kg.
Fishbox in the bow, see picture below.
Stable, suitable for novice paddler.
I'd be interested to know from people with sit-on's what they would suggest for a new spearo sit-on.
I've included a low transom to make it easier to pull yourself on - rather than over the side. Immersed volume as shown is 100 Litres.
Here's some pictures of where I've got to so far...
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