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Do Freedivers Dream?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Do you boys and girls dream of Freediving?
And if so, what was your most beautiful freediving dream, and what was the worst one?
I dream a lot about freediving zzz
Here comes my best one:
I was diving in a huge pool that looked like a sunken train station, or like Atlantis. Yes, I guess it was Atlantis.
I went down, where I was surrounded by my best friends, and laid on my back. The sun was shining through the glass roof, creating great trees of living light.
In a state of complete freedom and relaxation I simply forgot holding my breath. I took a deep breath of water :duh and I immediatly panicked, as I became aware of what I did. I rocketed to the surface, happy to be alive:naughty . But then I noticed that I felt perfect, that I was not drowning, that it was right.
He he, and then I returned, breathing water and feeling @HOME!!
YES, I felt like a water creature.....GREAT!:D :) :eek: :p :wave
Oh, and my worst diving dream was quite the opposite: I was ascending from a great depth, I was alone, far away from my buddies, and was suffocating:(

Now let us know about your dreams!
good dream...

I remember when I had a dream when I could breath under water! that was cool!!!! I went pretty deep, just walking..:p
I often dream that I am able to breath under water. I usually explore the sea floor in the dream...
I've never had a bad dream abot freediving.
Mermaids...I dream of mermaids.

Ok, ok, I will stop the testosterone for a minute and give a seroius reply:

Dreamt about diving alone in blue water. no line, no boat, no gear. Went through my normal surface breathing and dove through the emerald column until it got dark...I woke up in the dark - been trying to get back to this dream ever since.
Ok, here is one (date: night of 11th of april 2007).
So I was located at the shore of the sea, it was some kind of a village. There was a big almost closed bay at the land, connected tio thesea with a channel. On the sea, there was a long pier, with some wooden house at the end. It was so long, that at the end, the waves was like on the open sea, when it is strong wind. Also there was a course on which I participated. It was body surfing course. :) So I jumped in the water in the bay, then started to swim across the channel (with fins, mask, snorkel). The channel itself was artifical one. Built from conrcete, it had walls, and at some point there was a house built on it (like a machinery house). The house was almost on the level of the surface, so there was not much space between the bridge-house bottom and the surface of water.
I started to swim through the channel, then I decided to do swim at the bottom of the channel. It was not deep 3-4 meters) I swam for about 10-20 ms, then suddenly the bottom of the channel started to sink. Only a big block of the bottom, I could see the rails on the wall, which drove the bottom plate. It was sinking so fast, that even as I started to swim up to the surface, I could not go upwards but rather down, because of the plate sucked the water down. It was not funny - then I woke up (that is why I remember this dream).

So the end of the dream was fearful, but the beginning was nice.
/ the next day I read the sad news.. :( /

I had some nice dreams (and some funny ones) about freediving also, just this was the last.
(a funny: I was on a pool competition /may be as an organizer?/ then the pool, in which there was something (DNF? STA?), got a leak, and the water disappeared from it.. Then we started to think about where else (ither pool) should it be arranged.. :))
I do quite often.. Sometimes I can breathe the water, other times I breathold and actually wake up holding my breath haha.
I dream about diving with my buddys, sometimes I can breathe under water :)

I daydream about it in school everyday :t
Sometimes i dream i'm holding my breath, and when i realize i'm dreaming (not always ) i order my self "BREATH!" and then i take a deep breath, and can feel the water coming into my lungs, and start breathing, but slowly, can't do it fast...and the rest of the dream usually is diving, in slow motion, in any unknown place and wake up...when i dream this i can no longer sleep, i spend the rest of the night remembering the dream and i can almost feel that sensation of breathing liquid...
I also dream about hunting alien fish on alien worlds!
I have had three dreams about freediving since I started last year. My favorite, happened several weeks ago when I started dreaming I was on a boat next to a massive cliff just off the coast. I diddn't know where I was but something told me mexico,
I with a bunch of people that I had never met before, yet, some how they seemed familiar and I knew they were my friends.

It came time to get into the water so I did my breath up and jumped in. The water was beautifull, impossablely clear at least 150 foot vis that faded off to a deep electric blue in the distance, with a bottom about a hundred feet down trhat was covered in the most pristine white sand that I have ever seen, turned to a pale blue by the water.

We were diving to a plane wreck on the bottom and as I swam down I saw that it wasnt like a normal wreck the frame was skelotonized and twisted so it looked like a pice of modern art. After a little bit I was runing short on air so I took off twards the surface. As I looked up and saw a massive school of about 300 fish each one about two feet long, as I swam up trough them I could feel myself runing out of air and then suddenly a quiet voice inside of me whispered "breath" like it was the most natrual and obvios thing in the world. I let out the air in my lungs and took a deep breath of the oacen ,It was amaizing, I felt the liquid flow into my lungs and somehow felt energised, and more at peace with myself than I had been in forever. I swam back down and realised that my mask was gone and that my fins had become a part of my legs. I looked around and realised that my friends had also discovered that they could breath under water. And so we went off trough the crystal blue waters for what seemed like an eternity just like we had been born to it. that morning I wookup feeling beter rested than I had in weeks and even more greatfull than ever that I discovered the sport of freediving
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i had 1 about 4 nights ago, it was weird but awesome. the whole school was underwater, well to me it was anyway but to everyone else it wasnt like they were normal and i was finning around the school. i reckon it would have been a great sighte seeing me sitting in english in my wetsuit, fins and a mask on lol. but it brought great relaxation and i woke up so relaxed. it was wonderful
Freedivers do'nt only dream, they sleepwalk too!! :D

Couldnt resist showing you Roger Horrocks stunning pic of Hunlee ( Hanli Prinsloo) 'apnea walking' in a pool.
Roger is a great underwater photographer, this shot just has a great feel to it !!!


  • hanli.jpg
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I dream a lot about freediving, and its nice,sometime when i have dream of freediving i cant wait to go diving next day,ha ha
Roger Horrocks stunning pic of Hunlee ( Hanli Prinsloo) 'apnea walking' in a pool.
Roger is a great underwater photographer, this shot just has a great feel to it !!!
Thats a great photo! I often dream about being underwater and I can always breathe... the best one was diving in an underground cave with a sunken boat in it... or better than that was diving in the open ocean a few meters below the surface and I could feel the giant waves rolling over me.
Damn I wish I could go back to sleep now and dream about such stuff. Last night I drepmt I was bleeding from the inside and then turned into a vampire, I want to go back and dream of the ocean.
Do any of you lucid dream/astral project?
As a kid, I had recurrent dreams of apnea-flying.

I was able to fly by pumping up my lungs really hard (what I now know is called packing), holding my breath and flapping my arms or - on some occasions - doing breast strokes. Gaining height was always a struggle, but then I could release some of the air and soar through the sky, sailing through the clouds and zipping over the streets and between the buildings of my home town (which was always black and white).
Sometimes I would see my friends in the streets, too, but they wouldn't notice me doing the coolest tricks around them.
I often woke up holding my breath after these and feeling very happy. :)

At some time I just stopped having these dreams and I'm still hoping they will come back eventually.
Hey Sanso...
Thats basically astral projection, and I happens to a lot of people when they are young but not so much as they get older, unless they practice it.
Were you also aware of being asleep while that happened?
Last time I went flying it was me and a friend flying hand in hand over the sea, beautiful!
Yes getting height is always difficult :) If it happens again try to jump off something, if you can remember that your sleeping that is.
I would always dream I was swimming in the crystal blue ocean with no gear on, just felt natural. I'd wake up to find i was holding my breath. Haven't had those dreams for a long time but then I haven't been training of late - kids do that to you. Saying that, my four year old daughter's first underwater swim was a dynamic of 5 metres (I am so proud) My 3 year old son talks about the first crayfish he will get. My good buddy ADR has a 5 year old son who is learning what it takes to be a good apneaist. Maybe an under 8 championship....(sorry to change the subject) I guess that is where my underwater dreams lead me..back to childhood
God I would have loved to start freediving at that age... My fathers a spearfisher and so i've always been on boats and been around diving gear but i've only started diving since 2005, and that was scuba. Can't wait to start making serious progres with freediving.
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