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DO NOT EVER BUY A BESTDIVE WETSUIT! - Horrible customer service from them

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JJ Dar

Apr 14, 2024
DO NOT EVER BUY A BESTDIVE WETSUT! I want to share the horrible experience I've had dealing with Bestdive wetsuits.

I bought a Bestdive custom wetsuit and immediately after using it, the stitching is falling apart. This is due to the poor design of their velcro beavertail which cuts into the pants of the suit. I've spoken to 2 different freedive stores here in SoCal and numerous freedive buddies and they all agree with me.

I've sent dozens of emails, instagram/Facebook messages and WhatsApp messages and Bestdive refuse to acknowledge any issue and have now stopped replying to me (7 messages in the last 2 weeks with no reply). By the way, EVERYTIME it takes at least 5 or more messages for them to even reply to you. They really don't care about any customer follow up and just want you to place the order and then never communicate with you should you have a problem. Now I'm stuck with a $500 custom open cell suit that is falling apart at the seams.

Mary and the team at Bestdive are totally incompetent and should not be doing business. In my 20 years of dealing with dive companies, they by far have shown the worst display of customer experience I've ever dealt with. Avoid this terrible company at all costs. #bestdive #bestdivesucks
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