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Does height correlate to lung capacity?

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New Member
Dec 23, 2023
Why is it generally true that taller people have bigger lung capacities if generally, tall and short people have the same length of torso? Does height correlate to chest volume but not to torso length? Torso length doesn’t correlate to lung capacity? Do I miss something?
Why is it generally true that taller people have bigger lung capacities if generally, tall and short people have the same length of torso? Does height correlate to chest volume but not to torso length? Torso length doesn’t correlate to lung capacity? Do I miss something?
I'd dispute that generally everyone has the same torso length.
I'd dispute that generally everyone has the same torso length.
So would I. When I was a USMC pilot I was almost too tall to sit in the ejection seat of the A-4 aircraft but I was only 5'-8.5" tall. Plenty of 6" pilots flew the A-4 but I have a long torso.
So would I. When I was a USMC pilot I was almost too tall to sit in the ejection seat of the A-4 aircraft but I was only 5'-8.5" tall. Plenty of 6" pilots flew the A-4 but I have a long torso.
That’s exactly my point though. If a short individual has a longer torso than a taller individual, how the taller individual’s lung capacity is bigger?
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