Jonny 250,Respect,but that did make me laugh, thank,s.Incidentally,I went to buy a handle for a band gun I was making,the sale,s lady(the owner of the shop)could,nt tell me what a little button on it was for,saying, "oh it,s nothing," I told her ,"I was,nt going to buy it if she could,nt tell me exactly what it was for" & that, "She should,nt sell equipment when she did,nt know how it worked".So I walk,d out & went into another shop just along the road,that guy had exactly the same handle,but it was on a "complete gun",I asked him what the little button was for,he replied "oh ,that, oh, it,s nothing",he also could,nt tell me,so I left.It turns out, that that, "little button" is to adjust the sensitivity of the trigger.These people sell "dangerous",not potentially dangerous,but dangerous equipment.They should have a thorough understanding of this equipment.I should say that this took place in Spain,Where, in my experience, all they want is "Your Money"!. Point is,(to all of us) don't rely on the shop staff,they don't always no what their talking about!...Geoff.