OK, like a complete numpty, I managed to put my thumb through my suit this evening while rushing to put it on...the hole is big enough for my finger to have gone through, and is situated on the chest just below the loading pad.
Is the best way to mend it just with some Black Witch, or does anyone know any better solutions (e.g. perhaps by the addition of a neoprene patch on the inside too?). Any guidance greatly appreciated... ;-)
OK, like a complete numpty, I managed to put my thumb through my suit this evening while rushing to put it on...the hole is big enough for my finger to have gone through, and is situated on the chest just below the loading pad.
Is the best way to mend it just with some Black Witch, or does anyone know any better solutions (e.g. perhaps by the addition of a neoprene patch on the inside too?). Any guidance greatly appreciated... ;-)