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double wraps ?

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I guess it might offer greater flexibility if visibility is mainly poor but occasionally opens up. Perhaps you should consider an 80 or 90cm gun?

That's pretty much it.

Sometimes in thick weed or around murk and structure and other times it opens up and is deeper / wide-open.

I want the best of both worlds. I'm looking for a reverse trigger mech to give me the power / range of a strong 80, but the maneuverability and compact nature of a 70.
Alternately, I could carry a 70, 80 and 90 at all times in fresh water, but for now... A single multi-function Swiss army knife type tool is the goal.
I prefer the latter approach (although others, inc. Spaghetti, often take 2 spearguns, 1 short & 1 long). I tried attaching a second speargun to my float a few times but I never used it and it was a faff & a hassle and risked damaging the second speargun. If you are using a boat perhaps worth taking a second for spares/kill shots.

As you already figured out, you generally don't need a 70 + 80 + 90 - they are almost like variations of the same size.

So I've ended up going with a single 16mm stretchy band @ 350% and a double-wrap of 200lb mono with an extended 5cm of pull from the mech.

In pool testing its really accurate at 3.5m from tip, which is about the limit of the stock gun on a single wrap and about all the vis I expect.

It still pulls hard to the end of the double wrap and has decent accuracy at 5m, in case vis opens up and a Hail Mary is required.

I'll be testing it extensively this weekend in freshwater with unknown clarity / vis.

With 2 x 16, it was like an explosion going off and accuracy was awful.

Just like Rob Allen suggests, when held in the right hand, an overpowered gun will shoot to the left.

I also like to aim along the side of the barrel as he does and it makes a great improvement in accuracy and consistency.

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What diameter is you line? 200lb sound pretty heavy....
I have found that 1.2mm mono will make a considerable difference to the trajectory compared to the more standard 1.5mm.
I think it's 1.4mm

Right now there's no shaft drop out to 5.5m, so not worried about the 200lb being too thick.

Any thinner and I worry about it getting nicks / scrapes and weakening.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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