subaquaticus said:
Having done your static in a competition you are now preparing for the dynamic with fins.. What will you do ?
The best advice I know is to listen to your body and do what it asks. Sometimes the little voice asks for some hard things but do them anyway.
subaquaticus said:
Will you first eat and drink something ?
Typically, most divers like to compete on an empty stomach. Sometimes, one will see fruit, like bananas and grapefruit, at competitions. Being hydrated is important, so hydrating sports drinks are often seen at competitions. Best advice: listen to your stomach. I can ususally tell how my dynamic will be by the way my stomach feels... a gut feeling.
subaquaticus said:
In competition, I have not seen many competitors swim at all. Most practice breathing up. Although, I like to swim +/- 200 meters on the surface at leisurely pace to warm up during a competition. Again, listen to your body.
subaquaticus said:
If your goal is 80 m, what length should you do in warmup ?
Most competitors don't do any dynamics to warm up. It's mostly breathe-ups on the deck. However, Stig sometimes does a 50%-60% warm-up depending how it feels. As before, listen to your feelings.
subaquaticus said:
To me, repeats are for workouts in training before a competition. It might work for you in a competition, but I try to conserve my energy before doing a maximum.
subaquaticus said:
Should you be a bit exhausted 5 mn before your turn and then relax during 5 mn ?
For me, exhaustion is a progressing condition that is directly proportional to distance covered. After turning around and pushing off the wall, the glide is about the only time during a dynamic that one can relax and rest. In dynamic no fins, I integrate a glide into my stroke. But with dynamic with fins, momentum and speed seem to be an advantage when using propulsion using technical devices like fins. I also believe that a 50 meter pool favors DYF while a 25 meter pool favors DNF because turns aid no fins dynamics while turns impede dynamics with fins.
Hope this helps,