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Elios smoothskin on the inside?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
I askedElios about the sandwich idea and they told me that they don't even carry it anymore because of so many problems with it.

I guess that the middle layer, fabric, absorbs the water that the outer and inner layer don't. This causes swelling and delamination which means the suit falls apart long before it should.

Order is finally in, a 5mm tailor made with the standard nylon outside and open cell in with high waisted pants in Heiwa neoprene. They kept trying to push an off the rack size that was designed for a weight range twenty to thirty pounds over mine. I didn't have the best luck talking to them on the phone, either. Finally I ended up just paying them the full price 201 euros with shipping using their bank pass system, which I should mention is in fact secure. Then they said they misquoted me the 201 euro price was actually for a tailor made not the size 2 long he was pushing. Anyway, long story short, we seem to be confirmed for the tailor made and I am excited.
Unfortunately, the 'transaction' took around a week to complete, which means I probably won't get it in time for opening day of Abalone season.
Anyone going to be around Stillwater Cove, Sonoma County, April 1?
Received my suit today, a Heiwa open cell in, Nylon out high waisted 5mm tailor made piece of art. For all of the difficulty in deciding and communicating with Elios, it was well worth the 200 Euros. I can't wait to get out into the water and really give it a whirl.
This is my first real freediving wetsuit, my previous ones have all been rock hard scuba 7mm farmer johns that I couldn't move in, much less breathe. The Elios suit is so soft, and well fitted, enough talky talk, I want to find some cold water!

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Reactions: naiad
now THAT...is funny
I would consider wearing one as a joke
I don't think I could actually use it as a regular suit though, still laughing...
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