I was wondering if anyone has any personal experience using Envirotex as a wooden speargun coating instead of marine epoxy resin? Scott Merlo uses this on his guns but I haven't heard of anyone else using this to waterproof their spearguns. I did a half-hearted web search on Envirotex and their isn't much technical data out there. But supposedly it puts a thick crystal clear finish on just about anything. Scott says it is "UV stabilized". I believe the advantage to that over epoxy resin is that it will not degrade in sunlight. Unlike marine epoxy which will haze over time if exposed to sunlight. To protect the resin from UV light, varnish is sometimes used as a final coat on top of the resin. This is a pain in the butt though since the resin has to be scuffed entirely so that the varnish will adhere to the cured resin surface. Otherwise the varnish can peel or flake off the resin.
Any insight or comments would be appreciated.
Here's the link to Merlo's page on finishing:
Any insight or comments would be appreciated.
Here's the link to Merlo's page on finishing: