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exerices to expand the capacity of lungs

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Jun 22, 2003
what kind of exerices do you do to expand the capacity of lungs?

Packing can add quite a bit more if you havent already tried it.

Hi Ivan,
Can you explain to me in details the act of packing?
Thanx in advance.
To increase the lung capacity you need to stretch the muscles surrounding thorax.

You can also train your breathing muscles to get stronger by train them to emty the lungs to the minimum and filling the lungs to the maximum.

These to training forms decrease RV (residual volume) and increase TLC (total lung capacity).

There are probably earlier threads on this issue where methods are described so an advice is: use the search function, there are tons of information already on this forum!!

Packing basically involves filling your lungs to a normal level then Add mouthfuls of air by kinda pushing it down your throat and into your lungs but not swallowing it. The way I learnt packing is by a video clip from the Freediver UK website, it shows Loic packing and gives you the general idea of how to do it. But im sure someone else knows a better way to explain how to pack.

Thanks everyone for answering;
I have searched old threads and found some information about packing and some other advices;
I don't have any video clips but I'll try to find them.
Once again thanks....
I have heard somewhere that pranayama is good exerice for lungs and found some stuff about and I started to do the breathing the pranayama way for a few months now.
I am very suprised how efective it is.
Here`s some stuff...

Swimmers are known for their big lungs, so let`s do what they do: Crawl with an easy pace (i.e. not slow), breathe in the normal 3-strokes pattern (one breath every three strokes). Do this for 50m, then change to breathing every 5th stroke for 25m, then every 7th, then, if you`re good, go for 9 or 11 strokes, keep the last one up for 50m and go all the way down the pyramid again until you`re on 3 strokes for 50m again. Don`t pause until you`re fully up and down the pyramid once. Doing this a couple o`times a week should help.
If not, here`s another: You crawl 3*100m but you`re only supposed to breathe on the first 12.5m of a length. Breathing 12.5m on slow pace, then 12.5m 90% pace without breathing. Make some minutes of pause after every 100m to get that lactic acid out a bit. Hope this helps, it requires a bit of swimming endurance, but you can always shorten the exercises until you feel comfortable (or make them longer if they become too easy).

Have fun, greets, joe
thanks Groats, ,this exerice with swimming sounds exellent but I hurt my arm while playing football so I won't be svimming day or two;
but I am going to try it; thanks again
Great idea Groats!

I just got back from the pool and could only make it to 9 strokes per breath, not the 11 that you can, but I had a great swim.

I tried giving you some karma for it but it said that I have to wait a while before I give ya some more. I will certainly be working this into my pool time.

assuming you need more lungvolume to dive deeper i just want to point out that stretching exercises have massive benefits in increasing your failure depth. do packstretching, ribcage stretching and diaphragm stretching regularly.



Anywhere I can get a stretching routine to follow.

I.E what stretches, number of times etc.

Packing video?

Ivan writes:

The way I learnt packing is by a video clip from the Freediver UK website, it shows Loic packing and gives you the general idea of how to do it.

If anyone runs across the URL of that video, I wouldn't mind looking at it. I've watched Kirk and Martin pack in person, but I'm still trying to get the hang of it.
I feel like a fool but, there is nothing on that site about video, only static tables under downloads and only a one answer page under Loic. Will you please explain more?

Bill sorry i just checked and its not called videos its called Freediver tv. I tried to get in there and it wouldnt let me in :hmm But that is where I got the clips from, there is also a few No limits and variable dive clips in there as well.

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