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F1 Dive Assistant

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

I was checking out www.liquivision.ca to find out if F1 is now in production and available for purchase, i could not figure it out, could you please update us?

I consider buying one and I have to decide if i go for something more of entry level to start with or get the F1 from the beginning...pending availability!

thanks a bunch

There are production F1's in stock ready for immediate shipment. The new website will be up in the next few days.
Hi Eric,

Great to hear the new units are ready. Is mine on it's way?

ADR said:
Great to hear the new units are ready. Is mine on it's way?
Stop joking! We all see very well in your avatar that you already have yours in your hands since a long time :)

Your 2nd F1 will go out on Wednesday.

The other day I went training with 2 F1's on my right wrist. Surfaced from a sprint swim, with these readings:
F1 #1 9.93m 0'53"
F1 #2 9.93m 0'53"

efattah said:
F1 #1 9.93m 0'53"
F1 #2 9.93m 0'53"
Well, if they have the same display like on your (old) website (superimposed by Photoshop), then it is not too dificult ;-)

Just joking - I'd love to test it too. Don't you want to send me two of them that I can tell you if it works here as well too?
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