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fins for novice

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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my order

Hi apnea newbie,

I bought gray one, because I have a pair of black and their foot pocket tore several month ago. So please take care (silicone spray is very effective)!!

They will arrive this weekend, ordered 2 weeks ago because DHL is expensive for me. They were sent by post service.

BTW, LetŽÕs talk about wetsuits. I do not know much about sporasubŽÕs wetsuits. I think best for apnea is Picasso or Cressi

PicassoŽÕs bio-termic and chicle series are best.
As you know, Products of Picasso were distributed by http://picassoamerica.com/ .
I think they are little expensive.
http://www.cazasubmarina.com/ offers Picasso products cheaper price
But language is Spanish.

I am not familiar with Spanish language (also English!!), but if you know Spanish, please check this site.

If you want to buy Cressi or Omer, I recommend http://www.apnea.co.uk
Shop master Neil is very reliable and kind man.

Best wishes

Fins And suits

I bought gray one, because I have a pair of black and their foot pocket tore several month ago. So please take care (silicone spray is very effective)!!

Good choice :)

I know that rubber foot pockets are a little bit sensitive. So far i've just been doing pool training with my fins, but this weekend im planning in goin a beautiful sea cove (bay) up in northern sweden to dive. Have to try my fins in the sea to :)

I got a semidry steamer 5 mm that i've been very very satisfied with for like 6 years now, though 2 weeks ago my brother lended it and it broked :( Though its just in the neck, so i hope it will work good anyway, perhaps ill have to buy a Hood so I can get the hood down the neck instead of the steamer.

BTW, LetŽÕs talk about wetsuits. I do not know much about sporasubŽÕs wetsuits. I think best for apnea is Picasso or Cressi
PicassoŽÕs bio-termic and chicle series are best.

Ok ! I checked Picasso out, but damn they are expensive. I cant afford a suit for 320$ right now :(
I also checked the other pages, and there are some great suits availible, but the ones i found at Diveinn.com also looks good, and are a little bit better in price.

What is the difference between a Apnea and a regular wetsuit really ???

( I think this calls for a new tread, not under 'fins for novice', ill start one new)

CHeers / Apnea newbie
Hi Fuzi. I just wanted to know how much Diveinn charged you to ship your Sporasub fins to Japan by regualr post? Their site quotes US$29 for DHL to Hong Kong, and they said in an email that regular post would still cost US$30.

And that is just for a pair of fins! If I add a pair of blades, it goes up to US$42!! If only I still lived in Europe.... but then I probably wouldn't be freediving - I don't like cold water!! Hehe.


Shipping rate

Hi Terry,

Before answering your question, please let me explain about my order.
I ordered fins and short vest. If I order fins only, DHL rate from diveinn to Japan is 29 US $.
But in order to ship fins and short vest to Japan, DHL rate is 59 US$. The price for the shipping from diveinn to Japan by post is 33 US$. It is reasonable!
So I choice post service. Please ask more details to diveinn, They are all very kind!

Best regards

freediving vs. scuba wetsuits

Dear Newbie, you asked what the difference was in freediving wetsuits compared to scuba. Go to the picasso site www.picassoamerica.com/freedivers/advice.cfm and click on FAQ and read up on what Roger has to say. Yes, he is promoting the Picasso line but he has information that is relevant to all wetsuits. I have a 7mm biometic camu and it is so warm and so comfortable that I forget about it when I'm diving. Hunger and fatigue - not cold - are what finally force me to shore. This is because there is no, none, nada, not any water transfer, ok maybe a tinsy tiny amount; but for the most part you are dry, which is why they are called dry wetsuits. All the advantages of a dry suit and of a wetsuit. They are more fragile and take some special handling but worth every penny. The fun really starts when you take out your handing little spray bottle and start lubricating the insides so it will slide on without tearing. For some reason nondivers find this very fascinating; especially when they find out that I am using a solution of cheap biodegradeable, organic, unscented hairconditioner that is diluted in half with water. So not only do you stay warm you have wonderfully conditioned body hair. Ok so I have a wierd attachment to my suit, it just feels so good! Warmly, Angus

Besides having well conditioned hair, the main advantage is greater range of motion. The reason the Freedive suits are so fragile is becuase they have only one layer of nylon on them. the competition suit have none and are more fragile, but also much more flexy. You can actually almost get your lungs full, try that in
a standard scuba suit, which good for scuba, no breath holding, but bad for freediving, only breath holding. The other big factor is material. The picasso suits, I have a 7mm Commercial, are made out a higher grade neoprene that has 70% more nitrogen bubbles in it, which means that it is even more flexy. As angus said they are very warm. Depending on where you live you would select 3, 5, 7, or 9mm thicknesses. The thinner the more flex. Are Freedive suits good for scuba, you get or for that matter darn near anything else. The commercial geoduck divers, who are in the water for a long time use them, but in the 9mm thickness. There a lots of suits available, but by far the favorite seem to be Picasso. Some of the other makers include; Sporasub, Cressi, Omer, and Beauchat. The Omer suit is less expensive, but has a good reputation for durability. I hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Thx for the answers

Hi guys !

Thx for the answers... liked the story bout your well conditioned hair Angus :D

You guys say that apnea suits are fragile, how fragile are they ?
If i dont want a plain apnea suit, what should i buy then.
Im thinking of getting a certificate for Scuba to, and then it feels like i wanna be able to use my suit there to...
And since my Steamer (dry wetsuit) was torn into pieces by my older brother, when he used it, i dont want a really fragile suit. Then again i dont want a suit that i have to take care of like a baby to, i want a good dry wetsuit, which has high durability. Is Picasso suit still it ??? or ??
(U may answer here, or in the new started tread):)

Thx in advance / Apnea Newbie

Dear Newbie, OK fragile maybe overstating it a bit. You can tear them or separate seams by pulling to hard but they don't slice open from gullet to chin whenever you hit a really hard piece of water. Picasso has a scuba line as well and I now know several people who scuba in the same suit I have and swear by them. As Cliff and Freediver48 pointed out it the flexibility of the suit in combination with the warmth that is most important. But my Picasso was designed for spearfishing which can put a suit through a lot. I would recommend that you get one that has a nylon outer lining. Read Octo's post about nylon versus no nylon suits, its clear and very funny. And rips and tears are very repairable - far more easily and completely than in dry suits. You have to try one. If you dive in a Picasso or similar grade suit all will become clear. Check out the new Picasso website lot's of info, or call or email Roger. What did your brother do to rip your suit up so badly? Anyway, for me the Picasso was worth every dollar and the way it performs makes the cost trivial. Good diving, Angus
Question for Apnea Newbie!

Hi Apnea Newbie (maybe not so newbie anymore!!)

I have a question about your Sporasub fins you ordered from Diveinn.com. I have just ordered a pair, but my shipment is delayed because they are very busy. They have actually stopped taking orders because they are so busy!

Anyway, my question is do you know the difference between the 3 prices of Sporasub H.Dessault fins they offer? They have some at $42, some at $43 and some at $45.

I read somewhere that Sporasub do a Pro version, a short version and a long version. Are these the 3 different prices? I want the black blades, and probably the long ones. You said you got the Pro ones; what makes them 'Pro'? Are they longer or stiffer?

I've tried asking Diveinn, but they have not replied. My order has been placed, but not yet shipped, so I want to find out if I have ordered the right fins for me before they ship my order. I need them by Friday because I am going on a dive trip to Malaysia on Saturday!

Hope you can help.

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