DRW do you ever get consulted by movie/TV companies/costumers looking to get period-correct equipment?
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You list them as hard compared to the Delfins but my seem very soft. Perhaps its vice versa with the Delfins being the harder of the two? I wouldn't mind investing into a pair od somewhat harder all rubber fins and might consider getting the Delfins if they're indeed the stiffer ones.
I recognise the pair with the swift logo for some reason - are those still available? The ones I recall most from the 70's are jetfins but I know quite a lot of divers still use them (OMD, Foxfish, military,...). I love those violet(?) Japanese fins - they're so good at making stuff - & the blue/white "mimetec" Ukranian ones.
DRW do you ever get consulted by movie/TV companies/costumers looking to get period-correct equipment?
Interesting points. Although wool is greener is some respects, many synthetic materials are long lasting and have lower energy requirements for cleaning, for example, some suit can be now be machine washed rather than requiring expensive dry clean with noxious chemicals, like carcinogenic (i.e. cancer causing) carbon tetrachloride....The gist of what I'm saying is that here in the West modern diving equipment manufacturers tend to narrow choice by making their products mostly out of oil derivatives, while other parts of the world can still access articles made from natural materials. Taking street clothing as a point of comparison, it's as though every tailor in the country had decided to discontinue pure wool suits, concentrating instead on the manufacture of polyester suits.
I'd like to see more choice so that I can pursue my hobby with fins that continue to be made the way they used to be.
Too often these days I see new "innovations" which are actually backward steps (e.g. halogen bulbs vs. fluorescent tubes ) or significantly deficient (we were discussing shutter delay times on digital cameras yesterday for example). Of course there are many useful innovations (more medical science & computers/internet seem the big things in my lifetime) but there is a lot of duff stuff too. It's amazing what can be sold with clever marketing & expensive advertising; I saw somebody selling high price seaweed based cosmetics products on TV yesterday -- no doubt bought by folk who wouldn't touch seaweed it you gave it to them for free!... I actually love new science and technology, so long as it is directed at improving the human condition or extending knowledge of the world in which we live. Where I part company with certain of today's manufacturers is when they automatically equate innovation with progress. Now I'm retired I've become a little sceptical about the idea of progress, because on closer analysis some technical innovations turn out to be a trade-off, a compromise, one step forward and two steps backwards, rather than a win-win quantum leap.
Well, as DRW wrote, a Hungarian company makes repliques, and even some sprint variants (that did not exist then) - you can order them here: Debreceni Búvárklubtrux, I stand corrected then! Any idea how to get hold of a pair here in the decadent west?
trux, I stand corrected then! Any idea how to get hold of a pair here in the decadent west?
I'm not sure how good the Gull fins are for UWH. I've only seen one player with a pair locally and it looks like the blade area just isn't big enough for hockey. I'll see if I can pinch them for a swim some day though.
Thank you very much for teaching me of this really cool japanese company! I love the fact that I work for a japanese company. There's always someone going to Japan for some reason or another, so I know I can get some stuff pretty easily....now I just need to decide what I want :t
Now, regarding the topic of the retro-fin. I'm far too young to be aware of any of these fins...wonder what the next 25 years will bring...
EDIT: Umm......38.000 yen (400 euro) for their Gull barracuda line of fins.....I think I'll pass. For that money I can get a pretty decent monofin to play with.
The beauty of all-rubber fins is that you have a choice of hard, medium or soft blades. I once tried a pair of the original US Divers Otarie fins (below in a tricolour version), not their softer modern incarnation, and found the blades as stiff as boards:Wow, wicked fins.
I've always dreamt of getting hold of some all rubber fins as I like very soft blades.
Part of me always wanted to get a pair of black rubber Voit DUCK FEET fins for the sheer retro frogman look. Seems like they are pretty rare outside the US though.
:inlove:inlove:inlove Bingo!:inlove:inlove:inlove
They are the ones!
Thanks for the link. I'd love a pair.
However, Duck Feet do look like murder on the feet, probably stiff as hell with chafing to boot.
What do you reckon....?