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First dive of the season

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2005
After work a few freinds and i got togther and went for a swim. Rather than driving two hours to Neah bay we opp'ed to go to a more local bay. Things started out nicely. Right off i nearly stepped on medium sized greenling, so i did a quick circle and placed a killing shot. Went to put the fish on the communal string only to find that my buddy (who entered the water about 5 minutes before i did) already had two nice large greenling on the stringer. Viz was about 10 feet and we dove for about 4 hours, finally ending with a nice stringer of 3 kelp and 3 rock greenling, as well as 9 sea-cucumbers. Not to bad a stringer for only 4 hours worth of diving.

P.S. will post the pics once i figure out how to get them off of my phone.
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