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First speargun

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Sep 23, 2020
There is a beuchat sport 100
Is this a good gun? or should I save up for for beuchat hero 100? or Marlin evil?
Great question!

What type of diving?
target species?
Expected conditions?

the answers to these questions may help you decide... and probably Consider other guns!

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Agreed, it depends on your criteria: your needs, location, conditions, preferences, size of fish, water clarity ("viz"), how much you will use it, etc.

It's probably an ok speargun.
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beuchat hero 100

The Beuchat Hero is a much better gun than the Sport for sure, not even close. I'd skip a couple of meals and save money for the Hero if money is an issue. What gun length is a different question from which model to choose however. It will depend on the environment, fish and visibility where/what you are hunting.

The Hero is probably Beuchat's best gun so far.
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What are the key differences between the Hero and the Evil?
I think that the Beuchat "Sport" is EOS (End of Sale or not sold by Beuchat anymore). Is inferior gun compared with the Hero for sure.
I went for steel trigger mechs on my 2 most recent speargun purchases (Apnea ST & Apnea Amarok roller) but in truth my spearguns before that - Omer XXV s and RA railgun - have plastic triggers and work brilliantly well and are tough. I would say the Omer's have an excellent, large stainless line release, which I think is superior to the Apneas' line releases and the RA's plastic line release. I believe the RA s/steel line release works better than their plastic one but I haven't tried the former and the latter has been improved since I last used one; but the large s/steel line release is the best and most reliable design I have come across.

The Hero or Evil would be my preference. I don't like the name of the Evil but I like the red and black colour scheme, which is striking but also quite practical for spearing, as reds tend to look grey underwater. Also, I tend to put black tape over the logos on my spearguns.

A single 16-18mm rubber would be ideal but 2x14mm should be ok, more hassle but more trendy currently.
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