Originally posted by Alun
6min breath-ups for 6min static? i don't know anyone who breaths-up for that long - i don't see the benefit.
I said 6+ by 6+ meaning for a 7min static many people do 6min breathe-up. There are of course individual slight variations on these practices, which leaves room for somebody who does a 1 to 1 breathe-up vs static time. The benefit seems to be dependent on the person. Some people who are more acidic need to breathe off CO2 more than others who are more alkaline. Others need to do so just for CO2 tolerance. Interesting that you do not know people doing breathe-ups for that long. I think most people are taught these days to do a breathe-up slightly less than the static time and to do multiple warm-up statics prior to the max attempt.
fire breathing... it doesn't really seem like a good idea to me. no amount of breathing is going to significantly increase your O2 storage - we all know that. it seems that fire breathing just blows off tons of CO2 and raises the metabolism and heart rate.
Yes, the main point is to blow off the CO2 quickly. O2 is replenished, as slight as that may be. Then we are left with the obvious question of heart-rate and metabolism. I have found that my heart-rate does not increase significantly, which may be very dependent person to person. If one has a fairly good endurance-level, it may be that the effort to shallowly inhale/exhale is minimal and takes moments to return to normal upon stopping. At least this is what I experience so far.
the results you get from fire breathing don't really mean much on their own - you should compare them with other preparation methods.
Up to the first day I tried fire-breathing, I had gradually increased to a 7min static using slow preparations and multiple warm-up statics (usually 1 warm-up but sometimes 2). A few days after I tried fire-breathing without warm-up statics and reached 8+min. Since then I did a whole series of fire-breathing statics and have been now switching back and forth between that and slower preparations of 5+min breathe-ups with warm-up statics prior to max. Both have been giving me similar results.
Trust me I am still thinking about it and exploring the possibilities. I hope soon to land on a 9min. Doubt it will be too soon though.
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