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Fish, Fennel and Pac Choi bake.

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Always Hungry
May 16, 2006
What you’ll need-

Fish, I’ve done this with Plaice, Flounder, Monkfish, Mullet and even tried it with Salmon (although the firmer fish seems better)
Fennel, one LARGE bulb does the trick
Pac Choi, two or three that you’ve split long ways down the middle so you’ve got four or six halves.
Yellow Pepper, one whole large one sliced into long strips.
Cherry Tomatoes, a couple of good hand fulls that you’ll need to cut in half.
Parsley, Dill, Coriander, and a few chivies, altogether you want a fairly good amount with the emphases on the Parsley and all roughly chopped.
Olive Oil, a bit of butter, half a good sized Lemon and a good "Season All" type of mixed spice.
A splash of booze and a little finely chopped red chili if you fancy it.
One large ovenproof dish.

What you’ll need to do with it all-

Fennel, first slice the bulb straight down long ways so as you’re left with about ¼ inch slices and place in the bottom of your dish. If you’re going to add the booze then now is the time, just a small splash over the Fennel will do it.
Next up is the sliced Yellow Pepper, which is put on top of the Fennel and the roughly chopped herbs on top of this.
Before I go any further I now give a good shake of the Season all over the lot and a small amount of Olive Oil over that along with just a hint of finely sliced red Chili.
Next layer is the Pac Choi and the Cherry Tomato halves go on top again.
Once more a good shake of the Season all and a bit more Olive Oil over that.
Rub your fish of choice with more Olive Oil and a little Season all and place on the top with a few knobs of butter on top of the fish, give your lemon a good squeeze and you’re done.
Cover the lot with Aluminum foil and bake for 50 mins or so (depending on the thickness of your fish) in a warmish oven, I set mine for 180c.
When cooked enjoy with some Fresh Crusty bread that will need to be dipped into the left over cooking liquid in the bottom of the main cooking dish.

The only other thing that you’ll need is some good company and 6 bottles of really good Dry White Wine.:):)
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Will have to give one a go, Grasp the bull by the horns and all that. I'm more of the train of thought that If God had meant me to eat vegetables he would have given me a pair of long ears and some buck teeth but Fennel sounds more like an exotic potato than a cucumber.
you know ive never tried fresh fennel,havent seen it round here, but we do have fennel seeds, i like to use it sometimes when cooking fish, it does add a great anisey flavour..
now of course i can plant the seeds and see what the real stuff is like :) i just hope its not the kind of stuff that gets you arrested :)
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you know ive never tried fresh fennel,havent seen it round here, but we do have fennel seeds, i like to use it sometimes when cooking fish, it does add a great anisey flavour..
now of course i can plant the seeds and see what the real stuff is like :) i just hope its not the kind of stuff that gets you arrested :)

Podge what do you mean by a "fennel bulb" - is that a head of seed or part of the root?

I use a lot of crushed fennel seed on Bass & Mullet & absolutely love the stuff. Happily we have a big bush of the stuff not far from the back door:).
Podge what do you mean by a "fennel bulb" - is that a head of seed or part of the root?

I use a lot of crushed fennel seed on Bass & Mullet & absolutely love the stuff. Happily we have a big bush of the stuff not far from the back door:).

One of these little beauties, you can get them in almost any UK supermarket.

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podge you're so right , fennel & sea bass in particular have a near magical affinity . Rick Stien's Grilled Sea Bass in a Clear Seafood Consomme' with Poached Fennel is to die for ( it's on the bbc food web site ) . I would suggest fresh spear caught bass that has been bled and left somewhere very cold 'till the rigor mortis has relaxed then returned to room temp' , when it comes to fennel , the bulbs from Sicily are unbeatable . To accompany for Sir/Madam may i recommend the Clos de Blanchois Menetou-Salon Morogues 2004 .
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The local grocery store brought in a few fennel bulbs at my request. I was happy to get them and walked off with out getting most of the other ingredients for this recipe. The entire fennel bulb , stalk, sprigs and seeds can all be eaten. I tried one fennel bulb roasted from a web recipe. Slice bulb in 1/4 inch slices, lighly brush on olive oil and balsmic vinegar and roast in a 400F oven for aprox 15 to 20 mins or untill it starts to carmalize.:inlove. This was very deliciouis.

Since I haven't gathered all the ingredients yet I cooked my slamon like this:

Lightly coat salmon with olive oil and rub on seasoning(I used Chef Paul Prudhommes - Seafood magic). Sprinkle some crushed Fennel seeds and fresh Fennel sprigs over fish. Heat up small amount of oil in Cast Iron skillet as hot as you can before any smoke from olive oil. Place Salmon flesh side down into pan and squeeze half a Grapefruit over the fish(use the Ruby Red Grapefuit if you have them). Let sit for aprox 1 min. Turn fish over and squeeze the other half of grapefruit over it. Let it cook for aprox 1 min. Place entire skillet into a preheated 400 to 420 oven and cook for aprox 10 mins per inch of thickness. My culinary skills are a bit crude but it gets me by.:) Very simiple and tasty.

I'm so spoiled from eating fennel I may never eat fish without it. Can't wait to try your recipe posted here. Thanks.
James I put raw fennel in salads as well, its really yummy and also has cleansing properties for the system. :)
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