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fitness and spearing/freediving

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Hello everybody :wave

i think i can post this here it is training.

just interested to know how much sport/fitness, types of sport and fitness people do, stretches, meditation, breathing exercises, etc..etc...

things that really compliment our sport. How often a week?

i mix and match
swim ( 800meters) and run ( 30mins) on a regular basis 3 to 4 times per week, stretch every day 10 mins morning and evening, do my lung stretching exercises i found in the "manual to freediving" 4 times a week.
oh yeah and i cycle also about 45min 3 times a week.

if you do nothing, thats cool, i would still love to know, your performance.
example, static breath hold times. and comfortable depth and times.

so far i have done a static PB of 5 minutes ( wet )
12 meters 1min 30sec
38 meters no fins,dynamic.

Thanks, Johnny. :wave
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I think that for static you should train very much condition training (low heart rate, many red bloodcells).
But for dynamic you should train your muscle to get used to work without oxygen, walking apnea, interval (over 90% of Max HR) and gym training.
Ofcourse the best is to mix this so that you will be good at both things.
I have very hard to find a good mix, either way I'm good at static or dynamic, not the both thing at same time. :confused:

I train about 6-10 times a week, it depends on how hard training I do or when I am recovered.
I train running (8-15 km, not when I do intervals), swimming (monofin swimming), cycling, gym, yoga and ofcourse freediving.

I must learn mouthfilling to the summer if I will come any deeper :head

The key is training, training, training, training and a good technique, I think?

Freediver15 (soon I'm 16 and could start competing, YEHA!:)
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Freediver15 said:
I think that for static you should train very much condition training (low heart rate, many red bloodcells).

While I agree that a lot of good cardio training is good for static, I've been told that at least a couple weeks before a competition you should stop cardio training. This is because your metabolism gets so fast when you are doing lots of cardio...obviously not a good thing for static. By resting for a few weeks beforehand, it allows your metabolism to slow down a bit, thus conserving oxygen.
bolts said:
While I agree that a lot of good cardio training is good for static, I've been told that at least a couple weeks before a competition you should stop cardio training.

Could someone explain for me how I could do a PB in static (5.30 dry) on the same day I did a condition test in the school?
I also did a walking apnea 20 minutes before my PB, then I was laying down and breathing, not moving a finger on 10 minutes, to slow down my metabolism.
I think that if you lay on the back and not moving (10 minutes), your body think that you will sleep and automatic start to slow down the metabolism.
The condition test was really strenuous (I got superior ;-).
I did the test in the morning and my breath hold in the evening.

For me it seems good to exercise a couple of hour before (but, not closer than 10 hours) a breath hold.
Some people do walking apnea before to lower their oxygen level.
Maybee the body will be more prepared for the breath hold?

I should not stop training a couple of weeks before a competition,
but that is me :)

Best regards

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Freediver15 said:
Could someone explain for me how I could do a PB in static (5.30 dry) on the same day I did a condition test in the school?

I got a question for you before I answer the question. What is your static time in water?
I have almost done 5 minutes in water.
But I always freezing when I do static in water with my 3mm elios. :(
What you did is put the test really behind you and just relaxed. Relaxing for that means you are more prepared mentally and physically but I think if I am not mistaken it better to do about three shorter static breath holds then go for the longest one on your forth. I think the walking apnea helped somewhat with this. Also the problem with statics out of water allot of people breath using their nose and don't even relieaze it. I suggest you pinch or use a nose clip when practicing so you know the conditions are more consistent. You have nice static times keep it up.
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