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Hi guys, we have been using flashers for a number of years down here and have to say they do attract the gamefish quite well.

A friend has made his own one and it really works well. He has a smallfloat with 25m of heavy monofil line on it with a 8oz weight at the bottom. Then attached to the line are some home made 'squid'. Made from the inside of 5L box wine casks(The metallic plastic bag) normaly two of these at 2 foot intervals. He then made some spoon shaped discs out of perspec sheet(Plastic) to which he stuck reflective silver tape. drilled a hole in one end and tied them at intervals up the line with a swivel at one end.

I have used it and it works great. Although a pain to drag through the surf and back again. Have also seen grouper try to suck on the end of the squid!

Flasher with trigger.

Spoon flasher...

I have thought about flasher that on could let fall down when already at the bottom.. would work better than the one that I tried, as the fish that were close always swam away when I tried to dive down for a shot..

Perhaps if you would have flasher with just plain fishing line and buch of flashers that would just hang off it, so that once you hit bottom, you could thug on the line, releasing the flashers. then the flashers would drift and twirl down close to you along the fishing line..

one could use just a bit of wire to make little clip that would loosely hold the flashers up, until desired and released by a pull on the rope.. how about that?

Just a thought that came to me..

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I was reading in the last IFSN that Dix Roper (I think) was using spoons, forks and knives bent in such a fashion that as you drop them from the surface they spin in teh water as they fall. I can't remember what type of fish he was hunting at the time, but they were pretty big....

Think it's quite a good idea myself but the mrs would not be too happy if started doing that.....:D
Great diagram Mattedhead! Will try to build one up when i get back home! Will post some work in progess pics as it gets going..
Ok the top one works fine..ignore the bottom one. good article on flashers and using them on a dive.
what i do is cut tin foil up like comfetti and when i am over the reef or my favourite pinical i drop the tin foil from the surface and let it sink to the bottom. youll be surprised with the results.ajs love it
I have used a flasher once or twice while diving with Aquiles in the Keys. He has a Rob Allen flasher on a round float with a yoyo strapped under it to hold the line. His flasher worked well and attracted alot of mackerel although they didnt stick around for long. I think that the best strategy would have been to dive half way down and work the flasher form there. That way, i would be easier to see fish coming and you will have a better opportunity for a shot.

The flasher i am currently working on is going to consist of music CDs tied to each other with a weighted squid at the bottom. If i can i will add fishing lures and stuff that i have lying around without the hooks and hopefully that will help to add realism.

If you are looking to build yuor own flasher, i would suggest looking through fishing catalogs such as Bass Pro Shops or Cabelas for those of you in the U.S. I know that Cabelas has a Tackle Craft catalog that has all types of things that will could be incorporated into your flasher. Im sure that almost any kind of shiny little piece of metal can have an effect on fish.
Originally posted by ahoyhoy239
I have used a flasher once or twice while diving with Aquiles in the Keys. He has a Rob Allen flasher on a round float with a yoyo strapped under it to hold the line. His flasher worked well and attracted alot of mackerel although they didnt stick around for long. I think that the best strategy would have been to dive half way down and work the flasher form there. That way, i would be easier to see fish coming and you will have a better opportunity for a shot.

Actually, it'd be best to use teamwork & alternate 1 on top, 1 hanging. That way you can both take turns dropping & resting. :D
Well I have tried quie a few ideas from the Cd's to fishing lures. They all work well in there own ways. But I must say that the one I've had the most sucess with is the i beleive the Rob Allen flasher that is readily available through www.spearfishinggear.com. They are well worth the 20some dollars it cost to purchass as opposed to making one yourself without the hassels. You put your own lenght of cord on these to preferance. It has three big flashers and has a big marlin skirt on the end over a big weight to keep it down. I have seen this thing attract everything from wahoo to white tip sharks. I have never seen anything bite it not to say it won't happen. So have alook at the web site above as they have 3or 4 different styles. I have even dipped mine in the chum bucket on the way out to dive. Not sure if it works but what the heck.
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