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Floatlines, Reels, Shockcord, or freeshaft?

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Air Jaws


have you seen that documentary when they towed a bodyboard being a boat to photograph the great whites when they hit it.

send us the pics you get :D

I like the bodyboard idea but the two concerns i have is of the drag and of the fish getting ripe in the sun on long dives. any tips?


ps. if you have a decent connection, check out this clip



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Great Whites hit the bodyboards coz they think its a seal. In here there is no shark at least i haven`t seen yet. But its not wise to put the fish on the board at 45 degree celcius:D :D :D
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floats the only way

I feel a float works in ANY situation (Of course I don't have kelp). I have two 50' float lines that I clip together when hunting in deeper water.

A boogie board is an awesome float. If you have sharky waters a small laundry basket tied to the top works to keep fish out of the water (not rec for hot sunny days). A boogie board also works if you get tired. Having a float also allows you to carry a spare gun or three prong for smaller stuff.

I use a regular dive float made from lifeguard rescue can. My friend uses a boogie board and he has both a stringer and a mesh bag attached to the board. He poked a hole in the top inserted a small piece of rubber hose and glued it with silicone. The inside diameter of the hose is slightly smaller than his dive flag so he just has to shove the flag into the hose and it stays. He has straps with velcro wraped around it to hold a spare shaft, three prong, extra knife, a flare and a bottle of water.

The float line can get tangled in caves, but it's never been that big of an issue for me (I dive mostly reefs 10 - 80ft)

Good luck! Ahinalu
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Can we have a few pictures from varied angles of bodyboards rigged for spear fishing... I am going to build one up ($10 from cash converters:D :D ) would appreciate it! i figure a sack on top is the way to go... that way when water sprays on the hessian it cools the fish down through evapouration and keeps fishy wet ;)

Two man'er boogie board.

I think of course you can take a two man'er boogie board and silicone a big blue cooler box to it. Then you fill the cooler box with ice and when you shoot a fish you can take out a sharp knife which you keep in the picnic basket next to the cooler and you can cut up the fish on the board you keep under the picnic basket so you dont damage your float of course so it fits in the cooler nice and easy. In the picnic basket you can also keep a torch and a pliers and a waterproof container with matches or condese crystals, just incase you have to light something or burn something.

Now if you have skegs on your boogie board you can also .....
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Originally posted by Abriapnea
Would this be the spearfishing equivalent of scuba tech diving ?:hmm

Only if we hang all that stuff of our dive belts until we look like a freaking christmas tree and need a crane to lower us into the water...:D

Personally I prefer to tow my 45foot Yacht around on my shooting line so I have a loo and satelite TV handy.

Originally posted by Abriapnea
Would this be the spearfishing equivalent of scuba tech diving ?:hmm

naah, its just the vaalies trying to show us natalians up again :D
tech spearos?

OK OK there may be a "going too far point". BUT....

I have seen a few people here in Hawaii who have modified paddle boards for spearing. Make a cut-out with a plexi glass window to view bottom. small cooler for snacks in front, and a small insulated fish bag in back. These boards are about 12-13' long and fast.

Now stop laughing...

There is some merrit to all this madness.
1) they cover MAJOR ground and when they see something good they stop and spear.
2)They can stay out a long time (the need for the small cooler, we like to eat here in Hawaii. We don't stop eating when we're full, but when we're too tired to eat :eek:
3)It's a great place for when "the man" comes around. It may not work with whites but tigers it helps.

I'm sure there's lots of other reasons, but since I don't have one....:hmm

What ever happened to a pair of googles, fins and a hand spear, that's about as basic as you get..rofl

Peace ahinalu

What did you think of the yacht idea ? I quite liked it. More than enough space there for a small compressor capable of delivering air down a pipe to you so you can stay down for as long as it takes. :) and you avoid the spearing on scuba conflict cos its not scuba technically...

Well if its all just a bit much .. the launching and all that everytime you know we can stick to the body board thing.

Those old timer soul spearo's with their long boards ( wax on and wax off stuff ) and the yuppie short board types... and the dissenting views and the legends..... Is there a movie in here..?

Gentlemen there are giants amongst us in the making...

los skinnos.
if we cant get a yacht then i think that the bodyboard at least needs a fishfinder.
I think it would be wise to include a inboard motor on that... saves having to swim so far... and more fuel efficient... perhaps a jet might be the way to go... then we can go low level sand bank jumping...
Re: Griff...

Originally posted by Skindiver
Gentlemen there are giants amongst us in the making...

Is that comment refering to Ahinalu's eating habits?

btw I was kidding about the yacht..
But I like the surf ski or jetski (electric one I hope!) with fish finder and minibar idea. Better add a GPS and Iradium uplink so you can download sattelite images of your area and see any schools of fish and thermal gradients in the water.:D

I think I stick to my butchered bodyboard with stringer..:hmm
Yeah I think that may be the way to go Shadowkiller :)
Hey seriously though can anyone remember posting a butchered spearfishing body board pic... Or are there none on file here?
Can someone post me a pic in here somewhere... I had a look in Terry Maas blue water hunter... there is a similar idea in there also... just wondering what works and why :)
no photo but...

I don't have any pictures of my friends float, but I drew you this lovely drawing. I'm trying to get into illustration, anyone want to hire me?rofl rofl

Seriously, it's really not that hard of a concept. This is a setup he uses (except he uses nylon he sewed w/ velcro straps sewed to that to secure the gear)
You can attach the float line and the stringer with leash plugs that you just poke through and screw.:hmm They are strong attachement points. The flag just pokes through the top into the foam.

And yes we do carry a flare and a bottle of water each. We have very rough water and being a very little dot in the middle of the pacific ocean, warm water, and people disapearing every year here. It's a good way to get someones attention (we spear up to 1/2 mi from shore) if you need help, and with the warm water dehydration is an issue. We also carry snacks sometimes (power bars etc). I have found that chips get too soggy;)

I also found that weighing the board down with water, etc until you catch some fish, helps to keep the board from flying around in the wind.

The biggest problems with the boogie board is that they are light so they can blow around in the wind/surf (ie upside down). It's also not a good idea for large fish (over 70lbs) because the shape has too much resistance.

I hope this helps.
Aloha ahinalu

btw-the whole reason you use a paddle board w/ window is for stealth, and the window IS you depth/fishfinder. It's actually not at all complicated. The cooler is already attached to the board, the bag is clipped, the board goes on the roof, your spears can be clipped to the board. You already bring the cooler w/ ice, spears, etc. The only thing extra is the board (and that's light):eek: Which is a good thing if you spear alone (not that I would do THAT :naughty ) Besides not everyone can afford a small zodiac let alone a real boat, a surfboard like that can be made for around $300.00 if a surf shop made it for you, and half that if you know how to glass. (I've been doing my research)

So there..:martial


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Ahinalu, after looking at your illustraion for the fifth time, I still don't understand why your friend placed the crew chamgers inside the nuclear reactor. ;):confused:
:D *grins* thankyou for putting the effort in to draw an example :)
I have to admit there was a few smiles when the lads and I had an initial look, but when you get down to it it's all there:D

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